Chapter 1

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Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

The ocean water that encased the Celestial Outlander was refreshing, with hints of chilling and warm temperature drops nipping at their skin. The fish and small marine life that swam amongst the coral often stopped what they were doing to stare at the female, taking in her exotic appearance before continuing on with what they were doing. She was not bothering them-so why should they bother her? It didn't take a mastermind to connect a few dots and make the assumption that this being was not from this world-or this universe for that matter. They'd be correct. They'd be correct on the 'not-from-this-universe' part.

The female being who sat in the liberation pose had her eyes closed and seemed to be in a softened state of mind. Her posture straight, legs crossed with knees touching the ground and her hands on top of them, her chest rose and fall every few minutes from her concentrated meditation. Her heart beat was slow, yet consistent, channeling the blood throughout her body and keeping the oxygen flowing through her lungs. That was just it. How was she breathing? She had no gills. That feature being absent from her appearance would raise questions-not that she would answer them. But that wasn't the unique thing that had stood out about her. No. What did were the colorful feathered wings resembling that of a Scarlet Macaw that were lowered by her sides, resting in the soft sand, seemingly unbothered by the water-of course they weren't, these weren't your normal feathered wings. A long tail also accompanied her appearance, wrapping around to her right side. It was completely black with two white rings at the end, with what to be seemed "feathers" mimicking the wings, but also fins going down the sides and then expanding into a fan shape. Judging by the fins and spines at the end of her tail made it a clue that she was subaquatic, and not a land-animal fully.

Going to her face, the glamour that she would usually put on was off, allowing full visual of the black scar that crossed over her left eye. She got it in a previous battle a few years back. Her ears were pointed like elves or demons depending on the reference and they were colored white with black tips and two black rings. Black bull horns curled around them before protruding forward and resting on the sides of her head. Her hair was pulled back in tight fish-tail style braid with several hair elastics around the base and down the hair tail itself. It was a style meant to help keep it from getting all crazy from the water. The outfit she was wearing herself was a rashguard styled bra top with straps that went around the back side of her neck with a strap connecting under where her wings connected to her back and high waisted shorts made of the same material with a hole in the back for her tail, with a strap over the top of her tail. This outfit allowed for the tribal-marking that hugged her left arm, just under the shoulder. It seemed to be polynesian based. Just above her elbow was a black ring that seemed to start where her skin became deep grey close to the color black but not quite. At her wrists, two white rings hugged them and on her hands, she had small white nails. These white nails could unsheathe into long sharp talons. The same pattern followed her legs with a black ring being above the knee and once the knee began so did the skin turn black. Her feet were molded to have three large toes with white talons on them. Such feet allowed her to be digitigrade and plantigrade. That's why she had customed shoes to keep her feet in a digitigrade form.

This being truly was unique. Her appearance alone showed that fact.

This being was me.

My name is Victoria Viteaza, daughter of Reginaviteaza-the most powerful Celestial Outlander to exist since the time of the original Celestial Outlanders. With that great power came great responsibility-and an identity I have to sadly hide from the non-outlanders of my world. It had been about three days since I had entered this world. The first day, I was lucky enough to have the gatekeeper of the LEGO fandom give me a generous gift to allow me to settle into this new world and begin my new adventure. An identity to put me in the system to make it seem like I wasn't an unknown force of nature, a bank account with enough money to last me a life time, and the essentials I needed for me to find a house and use of transportation without needing to get a job. This is why it's always good to be friendly with the gatekeepers of the fandoms, that good nature goes a long way and it saved me a lot of hardwork. Not only that, I can copy the house and everything in it and allow me to take it to whatever other world I wish to go to or any other LEGO multiverse. Why am I in the LEGO: Monkie Kid Multiverse of this fandom? Let me give you some context.

I was in dire need of a new adventure. My last one was an utter mess that left me in bitter state of mind. My mom knew how much I liked the LEGO fandom so she got in contact with the gatekeeper and set me up with her. I told her I wanted something new and refreshing-next thing I know I'm handed a box with information regarding to Ancient Chinese culture and a new series that had created a multiverse within her fandom about a year ago called "LEGO: Monkie Kid," she got me to watch the series, I fell in love with it and here I am. In a blank slate universe where I could do whatever the hell I wanted to without bothering the original universe and the fanfic-comic portion of the multiverse. Speaking of fanfictions, I've quite read the good amount of fanfic AU's for this multiverse and while some are... questionable, there are ones with a good storyline. Specifically the universe under the title of "The Lotus Maiden." Pretty good I must say. But now I could start my own adventure. I knew it would take a good bit for this multiverse to update to season 4 so I had a good amount of time for my adventure to get through season 1 and to season 3. Which is why I put this blank slate universe to "start" a week before the events of season 1. Now that you're caught up, back to the present.

I exhaled softly as my mind focused on trying to control the water around me to do something... nothing. I huffed and opened my eyes to reveal ocean blue eyes and a right eye that was completely normal with a slitted pupil... and a left eye where the color of the sclera and the pupil were flipped. Instead of the sclera being white like my right eye, it was black, and the pupil was white and slitted instead of black. I sighed softly and brought a my hand up to rest my head onto it, perching my elbow onto my knee as I stared lazily at the life around me. These past three days has just been me getting used to this world and acclimating to it-and despite the awed looks I get from demons and humans alike when I walk the streets, nothing exciting has happened... yet. I kept my presence locked and had yet to let my "presence be known" to this universe. I knew the moment I did, I'd become a walking beacon for the attention of the entire universe and every realm to be on me... was I ready for such attention yet? I mean at this point things were getting a bit boring and I hadn't even gone to find Sun Wukong's staff even though I kinda knew where it was? I hadn't even eaten at Pigsy's Noodles and that was a crime within itself. Everything felt weird, I guess. Nothing was lego formed even though physics was... slightly altered to a dramatic degree. Although I have seen MK around and that was just from him doing his deliveries-no talking or anything.

Something formed in front of me from the corner of my eyes and I slowly focused onto it, it, noting it was my floating heart that allowed me to reveal my presence or not. I pursed my lips as I stared at it and the temptation to summon my key and unlock it was beginning to build. But, I was hesitant. I knew the moment I unlocked it, my existence would no longer be hidden, every demon and magical being from the Buddha and Jade Emperor themselves to the weakest demon would be alerted of my presence. Sure, I could lock it again, but once you unlock it, even with you locking it again, that "beacon" was still there. Not as powerful but it sure alerted everything within a radius of you to where you were. It also didn't help that I knew the moment I unlocked it-even with her being sealed up, she would be able to still feel my presence and power. Don't get me wrong, I can 100% take Lady Bone Demon in a fight, I just don't wanna. She gives me the creeps even from watching her appearances in the series itself. I continued to stare at the floating heart and the more I did, the more that temptation grew. I considered my options before sighing and muttering, "Frick it," What harm could it do?

I summoned the golden seahorse key, it's emerald eyes glimmering in the sunlight that breached through the ocean surface. Raising the key up to the key shaped hole, I inserted it and slowly turned it to open the floating heart.

What could go wrong?

LEGO MONKIE KID: The Celestial OutlanderWhere stories live. Discover now