Chapter 5

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Macaque. Formally known as the Six-Eared Macaque, the moment this monkey had his first appearance in the episode "Macaque," he took the entire LEGO: Monkie Kid fandom by the neck into a chokehold. Be it him or Wukong himself, it was the appearance of the dark-furred monkey demon that prompted people to watch the series and grow the fanbase just because of his smooth voice and behavior. His wonderful voice actor—rest in peace Billy—had brought this mythical monkey to life and caused him to get a heck ton of simps. One of them being me per se. Many related to him on emotional levels, mental levels, and fell in love with the character both platonically and romantically. For me? I found the monkey attractive yes, but seeing the fan art and fanfics of him being an older brother or father figure to the little girl that gets possessed by LBD—the girl is named Bai He by the fandom—that side of me clashed with the side that simped for him. Now with his sudden appearance, we'll see how I react to him and what my mind settles on seeing him as.

I stared down the monkey demon with a unamused expression, although my heart was beating fast from the sudden amount of adrenaline, although I noticed him about to speak and I stared at him, "You–"


Macaque paused at the interruption and rose a brow, his eyes returning to their gold color as he came out from the shadows completely, "No?" he repeated, staring at me in slight confusion.

"No. Not doing this tonight," I curtly responded before I walked around him and back to my bedroom door, I felt the monkey follow after me, just a few steps behind me and I groaned softly, "Go fight Wukong or something, Macaque, I'm too tired to deal with this *Scheiße." 

*(Scheiße is German for shit.)

The moment I said his name, Macaque froze mid-step, eyes widening. How—how did she know his name? He never made himself publicly known aside from demons who already knew who he was. He stood there confused and weirded out, but soon shook it off.

He was completely taken aback by the fact that I knew who he was but that somehow made him more intrigued, coming up to the door and leaning against the doorframe as I walked over to the side of my bed. He decided to play coy "You know who I am? Y'know this only makes things more interesting birdie," my heart skipped a beat the nickname but I forced myself to not show any physical reaction, "Yeah, yeah. Well there's not that many dark-furred monkeys that wield shadow magic so, yes," I shrugged my shoulders as I placed the dagger on my nightstand, just in case.

He hummed, staring at my body and letting his eyes take in my entire appearance, "Why are you here, Macaque?" It was a rhetorical question. I knew why he was here. But apparently he didn't know it was a rhetorical question so he answered anyway, "Y'know you caused quite the stir yesterday with all those tremors and earthquakes," I rolled my eyes, as I turned around to stare at him, "A large influx of unknown magic that even made the shadow realm tremble and shake," His eyes fixated on my eyes and face as he slyly smirked, "A type of magic that goes beyond the Buddha's power," I rose a brow, "How would you know how powerful Buddha is?" I asked although I backtracked as I realized he might have known considering Wukong was banished under a mountain 'cause of Buddha. "Forget I said that—" I cut him off before he could say anything, "How'd you even find me anyway?" I inquired, looking at him with a bit of curiosity, "The epicenter where my initial 'beacon' was released is miles upon miles down the coast and I made sure I couldn't be followed by magic alone," I spoke, tilting my head slightly.

Macaque chuckled in response, folding his arms as his tail flicked, "I have my ways birdie." I blankly stared at him before crossing a leg over the other and then I realized something, my body freezing, "It was you last night. Wasn't it? You were watching me leave that restaurant from the shadows," Macaque's smirk widened, "You just now realized that?" he shook his head, "Didn't take much to find you really. Of course, I checked the epicenter but~ you'd be surprise how easy it is to follow unknown traces of magic, no matter how little or weak the trail is." he chuckled darkly, "You just need to know the right tricks," I frowned at how he worded that sentence, as well as how he spoke it before shifting my position on the bed, deciding to shift the subject, "So let me do a guess and say you're here 'cause you want my power to use to fight Sun Wukong or something along those lines," I spoke, staring at the monkey, my wings shifting to relax on the bed. Macaque rolled his eyes at the comment, "Oh no, I'm here to give you cookies," he replied with a snide remark. I narrowed my eyes at him, 'Wow he's a jerk,' before huffing and folding my arms.

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