Ch. 10: A New Mentor

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"I'm serious about this MK, if you keep overworking yourself you're gonna kill your body," I spoke firmly, resting a hand onto the boy's shoulder.

MK had been working nonstop for the past few days, especially after the events of the Weather Station. Of course, his training under my watch began and we often did our training around 4am in the morning to 7am and then have an hour break before he went to work. But when he started partying with Mei at night and starting to show up to the training practices absolutely exhausted, it got to the point that I had him sleep in my guest room at my house so he wouldn't collapse at work.

Speaking of the training, it started at 4am because nobody would be awake at that time. He would come over the Coastal Waves and meet me in my backyard, before Cubie would extend in size to hold the both of us within her, before floating out to the ocean and going underwater. We trained under the ocean surface within Cubie because it was safer and we wouldn't be seen. Cubie also would pressurize the inside of herself to allow there to be oxygen and so our ears wouldn't blow out. She would float down to about 301 meters to 500 meters below sea level, and for those who don't know, 301 meters is how tall the Eiffel Tower is if you put it under sea level, and 500 meters is the deepest blue whales can dive, so it's between those two points that Cubie would stop before expanding to be over 100 acres long, and 145 ft tall. His reaction to this happening would forever remain stamped into my memories.

But back on the real matter at hand.

From remembering what happened in the presented episode, and seeing it for myself, MK had spent nearly the whole day at Pigsy's, then helped Sandy add fresh new coats of paint to the designs I made for him, and then when night came along, he and Mei would go to the Anti-Gravity arcade, and then go to training with me at 4am before the whole process repeated. It reminded me too much of my mother, who was a workaholic. The amount of times I had to force my own mother to take a break from working herself to the bone, even from being a 'retired' Celestial Outlander, the most powerful one in existence, happened one too many times.

Of course, not only was I MK's friend, but I am also his mentor now and two years his senior, SO, by that comparison alone it was my job to look out for him.

MK groaned softly, his head barely holding onto his hand as he slumped against the counter, "I knowww but I don't wanna disappoint anyone," he mumbled softly at which I sighed, "Even so, I understand you're a people pleaser, I'm one too. But," I had the boy lean against me, "It is not healthy. You need to set up boundaries for yourself, right now, your health is far more important and if needed to," I hummed, "I'll handle Sandy and Mei." He looked up at me and yawned, "You don't need to do that, V." I hummed again, "Yeah, but I do. I'll text Mei and Sandy right now–" he tried to grab my phone but I held it out of his reach, "Nuh-uh. You gotta let me do this MK!" I got out of the seat and held the phone up high and way out of his reach as I began to text Mei and Sandy and tell them to lay off of MK because he was being overworked. "Victoriaaaaaa nooooo" MK cried out softly, reaching out towards me although he was out of energy, "And send," I spoke before returning to him and pulling him into hug, "I'll have Cubie do your deliveries for you and you take the day off ok?" He looked up at me again, "But what about Pigsy?" I chuckled softly, "I'll handle him, go to your apartment and get your sleep," He was about to protest before I gave him a firm look, "Fineee." with that he went up to his apartment and left me to deal with Pigsy. Perfect. Luckily the events of Duplicatnation should not happen.

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Oh for fudge's sake.

Y'know, I thought when I had specifically told MK to take a break, to not worry about Pigsy, Mei, or Sandy, and to just focus on his training with myself and Monkey King and allowing himself to rest, that he would take my advice. 'Fate finds a way to make sure everything gets back on track' Yeah well fudge you Lady Bone Demon, I don't give a Scheiße when it comes to my younger brother getting his well needed rest AND a break. Yes I consider MK my younger brother as well as Mei my younger sister. But let's not focus on that.

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