Something In The Way

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•Ville's POV•

The bus jiggled miserably with every bump and turn in the road, causing me to spill scalding hot coffee onto my lap, over-and-over again. Between each bump, I'd attempt a drink from it before all of it would end up on the floor, but most had already found it's way onto the front of my pants.

I was hungover, dead-tired and definitely not in the mood for this shit. I just wanted my damn coffee, a warm shower and a day to myself. We'd been on the road for some time now, and it was beginning to take it's toll on me.

We were driving along, somewhere between Stuttgart and Berlin, on our way to our next show. We hadn't slept in at least 48 hours and everyone was on the edge of their seats; I guess we knew it would happen eventually. We had known all along what being in a rock band would entail, we just clearly weren't ready for it.

Lot's of traveling and too many shows. Too much booze, parties and drugs, and definitely not enough food or sleep. But these things were nothing to me. Nothing after having lost the love of my life.

My heart longed to be loved. I longed for the passion and the lust and the romance.

I yearned to find myself in Katarina's arms.

I gave up on my coffee, sighing and throwing it out in the garbage. I let my head rest against the window and watched as the blurry countryside went by. I immediately forgot about how uncomfortable it was to have my head jerking and bouncing against the cold surface, and began to reminisce about her...

Katarina Makinen...

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