Here Comes The Sun

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•Katarina's POV•

Although it had been four months already, it felt as though that night had only been yesterday. There hadn't been one day since, that I hadn't thought about him, or that kiss.

The clock on the wall read 11:30. I felt a pang of hunger seer through my stomach. I ignored it, continuing my painting, which had started to take shape. I had painted two lovers, strolling hand-in-hand, near the crashing waves on an exotic, tropical beach.

After some time, my stomach continued to groan and growl at me, screaming "EAT! EATTTTTTT!". In the end, I decided to go down and have some lunch. I took off my smock, hung it neatly with the rest and descended to the kitchen. I rummaged through the half-barren fridge and decided to have a salad and OJ.

As I began to fully enjoy my lunch, my stomach finally ceased it's incessant howling. I was lost in thought when the telephone started to ring. I sighed in frustration and walked over to it.

"Hallo?" I called out to whomever was on the other end of the line.

"Hey, honey! It's Mom." Spoke the familiar voice. "Mooom! How's it going?" I asked her, my mood swiftly changing at the sound of her cheerful voice.

"Ahh, you know, same 'ol, same 'ol. How are things with my baby girl? How's school going? How are things with Brian?" Brian is my boyfriend. We had met three weeks after I had moved to San Francisco. He also was studying Arts, though in a different field. Although I really liked the boy, I still had a place in my heart for Ville.

"Ohh, things are fine Mom. School is going great...the professors seem to like me, though, I wish I could say the same about the students. But you know how people are with foreigners." I said, twirling the telephone wire around my index finger. "As for Brian, things are going okay. I'm still trying to take things slow...After everything that happened with Ville...I don't really want to be too hasty, you know?" My voice cracked a bit as I finished my sentence.

"I know it was hard for you to leave everything and everyone behind honey...and I know you miss Ville..." She paused. "So that's why Dad and I have payed for you and Brian to come up here for a few weeks. After all, christmas break is just around the corner." She exclaimed, clearly excited to share the news.

"Voi Luoja! I can't believe it! You're honestly the best!" I squealed excitedly.

"No problem, anything for my baby girl. So, I have already emailed you the plane tickets. The departure is on Tuesday at 2 PM. That should give you enough time to get packed and such."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! OH, Rakastan sinua niin paljon!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement.

"I love you too, honey. I'm glad you enjoy our little surprise for you." She chuckled merrily.

"It's the best gift I could ever ask for. I'm gonna call Brian and tell him right now. I'll talk to you later mom! I love you sooo much."

We exchanged good-byes and I quickly hung up the phone, only to pick it right up again. In a haste I dialed brian's number and waited for an answer.

"Hello?" His voice was groggy. "Hey! It's Kat, guess what!?" I asked him, breathless from all the jumping I was doing.

"Uhhh, what?" He asked laughing. "My parents have payed for both of us to go and spend Christmas break in Helsinki!" I practically yelled through the receiver.

"Seriously? That's great. When do we leave?" He asked me, with little enthusiasm. "We're leaving here, Tuesday at 2 PM. So be ready!" I ordered.

"Alrighty then! I will be ready, don't you worry your pretty little head." He said, chuckling softly.

"Ahhh! I'm so happy! I have to go start packing! I'll call you later, alright?" "Alright, you do that. Talk to you later babe." He said, and with that I was off like a rocket to my room, with the only thing running through my mind being "I hope I get to see Ville."

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