My Eyes Have Seen You

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•Katarina's POV•

After we had deposited our luggage at my parent's house, my sister, Lufia, had begged me incessantly to go grab a coffee so we could do some catching up. I finally agreed, although I was drained from the long flight. We decided to go just the two of us, so we could give Brian a bit of time to get some rest and get used to the time difference.

He seemed pleased with this suggestion, being tired-out from the flight. He was soon sprawled out on the guestroom bed that my mother had prepared for us. I kissed him softly, bid him sweet dreams and then, Lufia and I were on our way to town.

Driving through the familiar city brought back so many fond memories. Most of which involved Ville, one way or another. Lufia and I reminisced happily about our younger days, pointing out locations where we used to hang out and party as we slowly drove by.

We spoke about our current situations: school, jobs, San Francisco, Helski, Boys...but most importantly we spoke about 'what would happen if Ville were to show up, and what Brian's reaction to this would be. I tried not to think about it...because, I knew that deep down inside, that I'd have a hard time keeping myself away from him. Brian or no Brian, I still loved Ville.

Finally we stopped at one of our all time favorite cafes, cafe Ekberg. We sat outside on the patio, since the weather was mild and sunny and sipped our coffees, while maintaining conversation about the past and the present.

Lufia and I were mid-conversation when suddenly I caught glimpse of a familiar face. A man sprung hastily from a cab out onto the street, causing quite a commotion. He threw money at the driver, who was obviously furious, and began to look around wildly. That's when I realized who it was...

'It's Ville!' I thought, as my stomach did summersaults. I walked around the crowd of people who surveyed the scene and made my way to him. I still felt a little unsure, yet I couldn't help but to satisfy my curiosity.

I called out to him. "Ville?" For a moment, I thought I had been wrong, but then he slowly turned around to face me.

His face immediately lit up with joy. "Kat! My love...Kat." He said, his voice a sweet melody to my ears. He enlaced me in his arms and held me tightly against him. For those few moments in which he held me, I felt happy...I felt at home. In his arms, I always felt complete.

I looked up into his bright eyes and I could feel my heart skip a beat. He smiled at me, the same tender smile I remembered fondly, and I could feel myself falling for him all over again.

"God, it's been so long", he groaned, stroking my hair delicately. "I've missed you so much..." Without any warning, his lips then made contact ever so gently with my own, kissing me with all his passion.

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