Dreamer Deceiver

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•Ville's POV•

I turned, instantly recognizing Kat's voice. I could feel my heart start to pound rapidly inside my chest, tongue-tied I somehow managed to stammer something in the midst of it all.

"Kat...my love...Kat." I said, gently wrapping my arms around her delicate frame. She felt so familiar to me. Her scent evoked memories from inside of me, causing my heart to pound even harder.

I could have stayed forever suspended in this perfect moment. Kat and I, locked in a loving embrace, our hearts beating in unison.

She looked up at me, and I couldn't help but to smile at her. She was just so beautiful, so pure, just as I had always remembered her.

"God it's been so long, I've missed you so much..." Without a second thought I cupped her cheek gently, and ever so delicately pressed my lips against hers. When the kiss parted, I could feel my whole body rush with passion in an almost tingling sensation. I had missed this so much, I had missed her so much and I wasn't prepared to let her get away from me this time.

As I thought this I heard someone's voice from behind us.

"Kat...no offence...I'm not trying to butt-in on your life or anything, but...do you think Brian would approve of this?"

My heart sank immediately. I was too late. My greatest fear had become a reality. I turned to see who had spoken. There stood Lufia, her head cocked to the side with a hand resting on her hip. She spoke with a stern voice, although her face said otherwise.

I stepped back from Kat a little so I could assess the situation.

"Who's Brian?" I managed to ask, my voice becoming hoarse. I awaited the answer, yet I already knew the terrible truth. My heart sank into the pit of my stomach as she spoke.

"Ville," she sighed, "listen, I don't know how to say this...but, I have a boyfriend. We met in college, back in San Francisco...I'm sorry...I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, and it wasn't supposed to be this way. But I love him."

Her words hit me like a semi-truck. Bearing down and shattering whatever remained of my heart. I attempted to stay collected, "I see...well, I'm very sorry for having imposed..." I grabbed hold of my luggage. "I'll be on my way now. Welcome back home..." I said turning from them and making my way down the street quickly before she could say anything else.

How could I have been so stupid...of course she has moved on...I couldn't have expected for her to keep waiting around for me...

Tears stung my eyes, but I fought them back. I knew I was making a mistake by walking away from her, but I couldn't let her see me this way. I loved her, and I wanted her to be happy, even if that meant that she had to be with someone else.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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