Back in Your Head

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•Katarina's POV•

From the moment that I had stepped off the plane, a smile was glued to my face. A long-lost joy quickly overwhelmed me. Brian and I collected our luggage, managed to make our way through the crowd of people without getting separated and found the way out to the busy main entrance.

Outside, I scanned the area for a sign of my parents, and to no surprise, I found one.

My dad, a retired businessman, very intelligent, with the heart and soul of a child, stood there with a grin plastered to his face as he held out a cut-out with my name written in bold red letters on it. Beside him stood my mom. Her beauty everlasting, although time was slowly catching up with her. Her once flawless skin was now starting to wrinkle by the creases of her eyelids and the corners of her mouth. A sprinkle of salt colored hairs were could be seen mixed in with her golden blonde hair. Other than the small signs, you could hardly tell she was middle-aged. I waved to them wildly and they waved back, and we made our way towards them.

In the car, the air was filled with joyful chatter. Mom asked me about school, boys and San Francisco;

"I bet you see a lot of hunks outside your window, huh?" She asked, giggling and glancing over to see Brian's reaction. Brian seemed unamused by her comment, but shrugged it off. Dad asks me about my art, the local music scene and quickly reminded me to keep working hard on my studies. "How have you been!? Have you heard any news from Ville and the boys? When does Paetra la-..." Mom cuts me off mid-sentence. "Oh! That reminds me, Honey. Ville gave me a call the other day, he was asking about you. I told him that you were on your way here this week, and he told me to tell you...that he will be in town Thursday!" She exclaimed cheerfully.

"Ville's going to be in town!? Are you serious! Mom did you plan this out this way?" I exclaimed, my heart racing at the simple thought of seeing him again.

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