All about her

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Today was all about my little girl. She'd fallen into her first "little space," and I let her take a nap while I worked through emails. Her soft snores filled the room, and I couldn't help but smile, cherishing this tender moment.

As I leaned over to kiss her on the nose, she stirred and opened her eyes.

"Hello, babygirl," I said, smiling down at her.

She stretched and smiled back. "Hi, Daddy," she replied, her voice still groggy from sleep. I tickled her gently.

"Hehe, yesss, stoppp, Daddy," she giggled.

It was already late in the afternoon, so I decided it was time to prepare lunch for us.

"Daisy baby?" I called to her. She tilted her head in my direction.

"Daddy's going to make some lunch. Can you be a good girl and wait here?"

Daisy pouted and cuddled into me. "But I want Daddy," she whined.

I chuckled and petted her hair. "Would you like to sit at the counter and draw something for Daddy while I cook?"

Her eyes lit up. "Ohh, yes, please! I'll draw something nice!"

I picked her up and carried her to the kitchen, setting her down on a chair. I handed her a piece of paper and some markers, giving her a kiss on the forehead. She eagerly started to draw, focusing intently on her artwork.

I got to work, cooking chicken with roasted carrots and rice. Once everything was ready, I plated the food and poured a cup of apple juice for Daisy. I placed her plate on the counter and ruffled her hair. "How's the drawing coming along, little one?"

"It's done!" she said, handing me her creation. It was a vibrant field of flowers, and I felt a surge of pride.

"How beautiful!" I exclaimed. "I'll make sure to hang it somewhere special."

Daisy and I cleaned up her drawing materials and sat at the table to eat. Since this was her first time in little space, I was curious to see if she'd react differently to the veggies. As expected, she cringed at the carrots but didn't complain. Instead, she focused on the chicken and rice. I enjoyed my food while she chatted about the movie we should watch tonight, completely ignoring the carrots on her plate.

"Daisy, try a carrot for Daddy," I said, raising a fork to her mouth.

She shook her head and kept her lips tightly closed. After a few minutes of gentle persuasion, she still refused. I could feel my patience wearing thin, but I reminded myself that being a bit bratty was part of Daisy's charm.

"Daisy I am not going to sit here all day begging you to eat this. You will eat this carrot, and then you will eat the rest of the carrots on your plate or I am going to put you in time out." I say blatantly

I can tell she's contemplating my threat so I wait for a response.
"I don't like those options daddy" she pouts.
"Well I don't like when my little girl doesn't eat her vegetables, they are good for you." I gesture towards the carrots.

"I don't care." She says

I see my little one still knows how to be bratty I think to myself.
It truly wouldn't be Daisy without some brattiness.
She has been doing wonderfully with her eating habits specifically in little space I haven't had to coax her other than the carrots, but that's simply because she doesn't like veggies. regardless I am
opting for a short time out as she was just punished harshly and I don't know how she will react to punishments in little space yet.

"Ok then, corner first and then we can come back a try again." I say picking her up from the seat and walking her over to the nearest corner.

"Noooo daddy I don't wanna!" She wiggles a bit in my whole refusing to stay in the corner.

"Little girl" I spin her around to look at me.
"you were given multiple chances to eat the carrot, you and I both know you can eat them. I do not tolerate brattiness and you know this, so turn your little butt around and face the corner nose to the wall, you will stay here for 5 minutes no speaking and then we will try again, and if I need to put you back in the corner I will. Is that understood?" I scold.

She nods and whines turning around to face the corner.
"I cannot hear nods Daisy"

"Yes daddy" she whimpers.

I walk away starting the timer and clean up the kitchen other than her food.

It finally goes off and I walk back over and turn a teary eyed little girl towards me.
"Oh baby" I wipe her stray tear
I open my arms and she immediately falls into them "I sorry daddy" she whispers

"You ready to try again little one" I pet her hair.

She nods walking back to her seat, instead this time I put her on my lap.

She eats a few carrots without a fuss. In the end, I set the carrots aside and decided to let her be.

"What a good girl!" I kiss her nose
She giggles
"Sorry for being bratty daddy" I leans onto my shoulder

"That's ok baby, it's bound to happen at times." I pick her up, letting her cling onto me as we go back into the living room.

Checking the time I decide to remove the chastity belt. She's been in little space for a while and she's extra clingy right now so I see no use for it.

I remove it from her with minimal whines

I wrapped her in a blanket, and we settled in to watch Disney movies for the rest of the day. Daisy was an angel afterward, eating her dinner like a good girl and even letting me give her a bath without complaint.

Once she was dry, I applied some Arnica to her bottom and tucked her into bed. As she lay against my chest, she gave me a soft kiss on the neck. Her eyes closed, and she whispered, "Daddy."

"Yes, baby?"

"I love you."

My heart skipped a beat. I'd been wanting to tell her how I felt but wasn't sure if she'd remember when she wasn't in little space. But I couldn't hold back.

"I love you too, darling," I said, my voice filled with emotion.

As Daisy's breathing grew steady and calm, I drifted off with a smile on my face. It was moments like these that made everything worth it. God, I love this girl.


What do you guys think? do we like Daisy in little space or would you rather have her stick to little tendencies? 

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