Chapter 9: At The Mall

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A/N: By the way, a day has already passed from the day of the auditions, so yeah.

Riley's POV

SLURPPPPPP. I slurp my coffee. Yesterday was really stressful and I decided that I should just go to the mall and take a little stroll. I tell my mom that I'll go to the mall and she says bye. I put on my shoes quickly, then I grab my bag and then I head outside. The air is fresh and I start to jog. A few minutes later, I am sweating and I took off my jacket already. I make it to the mall and I walk in. I pass 'Tommy Hilfiger' and I smell the sweet tea smell of 'David's Tea.' The mall is really busy right now and to make it more busier for me I line up in 'Starbucks.' I order a small 'Double Chocolate Chip Frap' and I tell them my name is Riley. I patiently wait and I get my cup and I walk towards 'H&M.' Suddenly, someone bumps into me and I drop my cup, making it spill lots of drops, but not so much.

"Hey!" I exclaim, looking up to see who it is. "James?"

"Riley?" James asks, looking really surprised.

"You made me spill my Frap!" I tell him, madly. "You have to give me another one!"

"Ok, sorry and I will," he says, and he walks towards 'Starbucks' with me.

I feel a hand slip in with mine and I blush and I hold it, but I remember Emily's words: "James is a total player." I quickly let go of James' hand he looks at me.

"What's wrong? I know you like me," he says, but then after he quickly asks me what I wanted from 'Starbucks,' when we arrive.

"Um, 'Double Chocolate Chip Frap,' please," I say, trying to forget that James actually knows that I like him.

"Here you go," he says, handing me my cup.

"Thanks," I say, "didn't you want to ask me a question yesterday?"

"Um," he hesitates, and his phone starts to ring. "Oh, it's my mom. Sorry. Gotta go. Bye."

And with that, he quickly walks away.

James' POV

Ugh! I blew my chance with Riley! Really, mom?

- Phone Convo Between James And His Mom -

J = James
D = Debra (James' mom)

J - Hello?

D - James? Is that you? Are you okay? Where are you?

J - Mom, I'm okay. I'm just at the mall.

D - Phew! You got me worried! At first you were at your room, and when I looked, you weren't there!

J - Mom, I'm gonna go home now. Bye. Love you.

D - Okay, bye. Love you, too.

- End Of Convo -

I hang up my phone as I walk back to my house. I sigh. How could I be such an idiot? I had a chance and I blew it. If you're asking why I like Riley so much, here it comes.


41 R2. I write down on my paper. Done. As I walk out of my room at the last period, someone bumps into me, which makes me drop all of my books. I look at the person and I am shocked. She is really pretty and her brown hair matches her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said politely, and she helped me pick up my books.

"No, it's okay," I said, reaching out to get a book.

After we picked up our books, she takes out her hand.

"I'm Riley, and you are?" She asked, smiling.

"James," I said, and I held out my hand and we shook.

The moment we shook, I felt a connection between us. When we looked at each other,
I could tell we had a bright future.

End of Flashback

Now, I'm trying to get her, because of what happened all those years ago.

And I will get her.

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