Chapter 4 ~ Show not tell

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Parading into the brightly coloured town, you question to why your brother wants to stay here so much. Taking in the scenery, the scent from the flowers and the heat from the sun. It was nice having a moment to yourself. Peaceful.


"Oh my!" Stephanie runs over to you. You are sitting on the ground holding your head, rubbing it in pain.

"I'm so sorry Miss! I didn't mean to hit you, its just my aim isn't very good!" the pink haired girl helps you up, dusting you off, "Are you ok?"

The same children from earlier were playing football in the park you were walking past. Aiming for the goal you walked past, they missed and the football came flying your way, hitting you in the head.

"hey its ok. I'm fine, don't worry about it!" you smile down and the girl placing your hand on her shoulder, attempting to comfort her, as she seems very anxious about the whole situation. "Stephanie? Isn't it?" you pry.

"Yes that's me!" she beams., her friends come running over. "Is everything ok?" Stringy asks, concerned about the situation. "Yeah, everything's fine! You guys playing football?" you ask, "Attempting to, but yes! Would you like to play with us Miss?" Ziggy questions, all the children cheer and look up at you, hoping you say yes. "Sure, why not! Also call me Y/N" shrugging you pick up the football. The friends cheer and run over to the pitch, getting ready to play.

"Ready when you are Y/N!" Stephanie yells from the other end of the pitch, and the game begins.

A couple hours pass, and you're genuinely having fun with the kids, teaching them how to aim and kick the ball effectively, cracking jokes, and laughing at their failed attempts. Its a wholesome memory that you shan't forget. Kicking the ball and scoring a goal, you cheer and run round the pitch, high-fiving the kids. After some time you all say your goodbyes and disperse for the evening, starting to walk to the house you're staying in. You make it 'home', standing on the wrap around porch, unlocking the front door.

"Impressive footwork" a familiar deep accent is heard behind you. Turning around you're met with Sportacus. Standing, arms crossed, muscles showing, eyebrows scrunched, and nodding his head impressively. Keeping eye contact you show a smug smile "well, I try" you shrug "how long had you been watching?" you pry, "not long enough" he quickly responds, catching you off guard, you blush and look towards the ground.

Why is he making you nervous, come on Y/N!

"So, can I ask? What exactly are you? I've heard you're like a superhero" you raise your eyes slowly to meet his, to find them still looking down at you, a sly grin on his face.

"Well I wouldn't say 'super' hero" he shrugs, laughing to himself. You smile and laugh in response "Oh? Then what?" you kindly push "More of a slightly above average hero" he winks. "Oh right. Are you slightly above average with anything else?" you step closer towards him, eyes locked with his crystal blue ones. He looks down at your lips, noticing how plump and supple they look, longing for his. He slowly leans down to your ear, close enough to feel his warm breath against your skin "Ill leave that up to your imagination" he whispers, leaving goose bumps blanketing your body. Pulling away he smirks at you, once again meeting your green eyes, he tower overs you, never breaking eye contact. Heat rises to your cheeks, and grows between your legs.

"Now, why would you want to do that...?" you reply smugly "When you can show me." You stand their, arms folded, a smirk painted across your face, satisfied with your response. Sportacus' smirk suddenly drops as his eyes flicker between both yours and your lips. Breathing deeply, he suddenly pulls your body against his, one large hand against the small of your back, crashing both your hips together, and his other large hand wrapped around the back of your neck. Hungrily, his lips meet yours, kissing you deeply. The hand on your neck, moves up to cup your jaw, pulling you deeper into the kiss.

Your hands fly up to Sportacus' head, knocking his hat off, your fingers lace and knot within his gorgeous blonde wavy hair, pulling it from time to time, making him deeply growl into the heated kiss.

Sportacus pushes you up against your front door, pulling away from your lips, he works his way down your neck, leaving marks and wet kisses from the soft spot near your ear, to your collar bone. Breathing deeply, apples, strawberries and a hint of musk fill your senses, his scent is fresh and sweet, yet undeniably masculine.

"You up for some exercise?" he pry's, desperately, finishing his sentence between hungry kisses. You laugh as he kisses your neck "always" you reply, breathy and needy. Opening the front door you both stumble back, not breaking away from your current activity. Falling onto the couch, with Sportacus ontop of you, he lift himself up, looking down at you, he hastily begins undressing, taking off his vest, revealing, his chiselled torso, perfectly defined abs and v-line, you gawk up at him, lust filling your eyes. He slowly lifts up your tank top "you're sure you want this?" he firmly asks, and you nod in response. "I need to hear you say it Y/N" he pushes, frowning at you, "I want this" you softly smile, eagerly nodding.

The corners of his mouth slid upwards and he kisses you again, this time it was soft, meaningful. "Good Girl" he whispers as he takes off your tank top, exposing your deep red lacey bra. He looms over you, admiring your curves and beauty. Feeling insecure, you reach up and pull him back down, your lips collide and you resume feeding you're hungry lust for each other.

Robbie's going to kill you.

Oh well...

{A/N: hey guys, there's a little fluff for ya! if you want me to write smut, I would love your feedback, I'm not the best at writing smut, but ill do my research *winky face*, let me know what you think so far please, also feel free to give me any suggestions! Lotta love - LoverofDilfs }

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