Chapter 7 ~ Not according to plan

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Another eventful night with your fitness buddy.
You spent the evening and morning of the next day in each other's company. Comfortable and relaxed. Not exactly how you planned it.

It started with you, laying in his bed with a thin blanket sprawled over your naked body. Resting peacefully in a cloud of warm comfort and Sportacus' scent. Awoken by the smell of pancakes, you contently sit up, looking towards the kitchen. Sportacus' home is all open plan so you can see him busying himself. Cheerily humming to himself and making pancakes; wearing nothing but his blue joggers. His exposed back is towards you, you can make out every muscle...and a few scratches you left last night...oops.

"Good morning princess" Sportacus says, flipping a pancake "what- how did you-" "I felt you watching me" he cockily replied. "right. I forgot you are inhuman" laughing you fall back on top the bed "you certainly didn't last night" he says turning around, smiling with pride as he watches you lay on his bed. Sitting up and looking at him, you stick your tongue out and grin, your almost kiddy. He makes you feel like a teenager.
"Are those pancakes?" you excitedly get up and pull on his white T-shirt, just covering your ass. "For you, yes!" replying he holds up a plate of pancakes, with chopped banana and berries on top "sugar free as well!" you gratefully accept the plate and roll your eyes, laughing. You sit down and start eating, Sportacus stands, hands on his hips, and watches you contently, "satisfactory?" he questions. With your mouth full you look up at him "mm hmm" you nod "aren't you having any sportaflop?" Rolling his eyes he turns to start washing up "not for me. My energy is already up..." turning to look at you and leaning back on the counter "...I had a lot of sports candy last night" Sportacus suggestively smirks, crossing his arms over his chest.
Catching you of guard, you spit a bit of banana out. Thinking back to last night, and the many times his head was between your thighs. "Good one" you reply showing an unimpressed face, you turn back to your pancakes, mainly to hide your blush. He deeply laughs at your response, his Icelandic accent peaks through and makes you melt.
Good lord the things this man does to you.

You were snapped out of your daydreams as, once again, Sportacus suit started flashing "someone's in trouble sportaloon" you say pointing at his suit with your thumb. "Yes thank you y/n, I can see that" quickly he flips over to his suit and gets dressed, looking around for his white T-shirt in a hurry "where is it?" he frustratedly exclaims. Sitting on the kitchen island swinging your feet, you smugly look at him running around "looking for this" you smile, pulling at the T-shirt you're wearing.
Sportacus swiftly turns around and faces you, his face drops when he sees that you're wearing what he's looking for "y/n..." he softly says, putting his hands together in a praying position, slowly walking closer to you "yes?" you confidently say, laughing at his motion "may I have my T-shirt?" Sportacus pleads, his blue eyes big and sparkly. "Oh this one?" you grin "yeah sure" you hop of the counter. Painfully slow you slide the T-shirt over your head, leaving you standing there in nothing but your deep purple, lacy underwear. Sportacus straightens up and clears his throat, slowly taking the shirt from your extended arm "now, that's not fair" Sportacus says, you smile a response. Raking his lustful eyes up and down your body, biting his lip. He stares at you in awe. Never has he seen such beauty. To him you were perfect.

The sweetest fruit of them all.

He valued you. Proud that you were 'his'. Yet he didn't know how to tell you, only show you. Sportacus slowly walks closer to you, inches apart, you can feel his warm breath on your skin. He grabs your chin, rubbing it with his thumb. Leaning in, his lips slowly meet yours. Sportacus kisses you, differently from any other of the many kisses shared, passion and lust still present, yet something else is there, it's sweet, meaningful, caring. He pulls back, looking you in the eye, before pecking you on the forehead, slipping his shirt on and reluctantly sliding down the ladder into the heart of LazyTown. To save yet another citizen.

And it ended with you, standing in his home, realising your feelings for him.
Sportacus. Your brothers nemesis.

None of this had gone according to plan. Shit.

A/N: hey guys, not much happening in this chapter. School is getting demanding again, so uploads may get progressively slower. Sorry in advance.
Please let me know what you think so far! I hope you're enjoying it! Im having fun writing it, and thank you for the love and reads, it means a lot! <3

Endless amount of love,
LoverofDilfs xxxx

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