Chapter 11 ~ Rotten

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"Hello sister!" a familiar smug voice comes from behind you. Freezing in your space, you and Sportacus look at each other, still supporting his withering body. Swearing under your breath you turn round to face him. "Robbie" you say flatly, "what the hell have you done to him?!" you ask, calmly, attempting to contain your anger, whilst your lover deteriorates in your arms.

"Well, I stuck to the plan, of course!" he says, satisfaction lacing his voice. "You betrayed me y/n"

Frowning at your brother in disbelief "BETRAYED YOU? you said you wanted him out of the town?!?" you blankly state "NOT DEAD" you seethe in disgust. A slow smile crawls on Robbie's face, looking you up and down he responds "yes, well...plans change. You, of all people should know"

Adjusting your grip on Sportacus and grunting, you turn back to your brother "what's that supposed to mean?" you spit, fed up with his games. "OH COME ON SISTER!" Robbie dramatically yells, flinging his arms around, encroaching your personal space "don't play stupid." "Humour me." you respond.

"I 'hired' you to help remove this parasite, Sportaflop, from lazy town, MY town. I should've known better than to trust you with this task. Instead of getting him out, you GOT. HIM. OFF!" you flinch at his last words, your face heats up and turns red "I-" you freeze "HOW DID YOU KNOW?" you scream

"Its blatantly obvious you fool. The whole town knows" he states, placing his long bony hands on his hips, raising and eyebrow in your direction. You deeply sigh, shaking your head "he isn't a bad guy Robbie" you calmly say, trying to reason with your brother.

"Exactly. And we are. We are Rotten. THE Rottens"

"That doesn't mean we have to live up to the name!" you argue.

The room falls silent. You sigh.

"Robbie. For once in your life. Do the right thing...and help me." pleading, your normal demeanour fades away.

You and Robbie hold eye contact, watching him contemplate his options. In silence. Eerie silence. Something feels wrong.

The calm before the storm.

Your brother sighs, shaking his head.


He swiftly moves to the other side of the basement. Not giving you enough time to process what was happening. You see him lift his hand and grab a lever. "Robbie..??" you push him to answer. Sportacus squirms in your arms, but is too weak to say or do anything. Readjusting him in your grasp your eyes catch glimpse of marking on the floor. A perfect square around where you are both currently standing.

It click in your head.

Whipping your head back up to see Robbie, remorse lacing his face. He pulls the lever, opening the trap door right beneath yours and Sportacus' feet.

You plummet into darkness.

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