Chapter 6 ~ Truthful times

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You spend the day, running round LazyTown in search of your, favourite, superhero.

"Where the hell is that man!" you exclaim to yourself. Panting and sweating, your eyes scan the environment in front of you. You wanted to find him before your brother spilled anything, as he never knows when to shut up. "You alright dear?" a polite voice breaks you from your stressed state, "oh yes yes, I'm fine, just looking for someone" you straighten up, fixing your hair and showing your kindest smile "anyone in particular, Miss...?"

"Rotten, Y/N Rotten. Um, I'm looking for Sport-"

"ROTTEN?! As in Mr Robbie Rotten?" her eyes wide and mouth agape "Y-yeah, I'm his sister" you flatly state "and you are?" you push.

"Oh how lovely! Its wonderful to know he has family! I'm Bessie, Bessie Busybody, the Queen of LazyTown" she confidently grins, throwing her arms up. "Queen? Right, ok. Lovely to meet you Bessie, but have you seen Sportacus?" nodding, unimpressed, you show a fake smile. As first impressions go, she seems like a know-it-all, wannabe.

"I haven't sorry dear. But he is probably in his Airship", "Airship?" you question "Yes dear. Airship" she smiles and raises her arm, your eyes follow, seeing the floating ship that she's pointing at. "Right. Airship" you sigh "Thank you" Mrs Busybody watches as you gracefully run towards the ship, before turning away and continuing with her day.

After a strenuous run, (fitness doesn't run in the Rotten genes), you find yourself standing underneath Sportacus' home. Looking around, you wonder how you're going to get his attention. Sighing you progress with the only idea you thought of...
"SPORTACUS!" you yell up to the ship. After waiting awhile in silence, listening for any form of life, you try again "SPORTACUS!"

"Yes?" a soft Icelandic voice appears from behind, squealing you jump back, holding your hand to your chest, "Sorry to frighten you Y/N" he laughs, walking closer and grabbing your shoulders. "Everything alright princess" the nickname catches you of guard, and you stare longingly into his icy blue eyes. "Yeah, yes, I just really need to talk to you" shaking your head, you snap out of your trance. Blushing, you look at your feet "Yes, I didn't forget. Would you like to have a drink at mine?" Sportacus reassuringly looks down at you, gently stroking your cheek with his warm, calloused hand.
Looking up at his 'house' you hesitate "don't worry I'll help you up. Come on" grabbing your hand he leads you to a large white ladder, hanging from the entrance of his home. You climb up first, Sportacus shortly follows.
Reaching the top, you're greeted by a beautiful, minimalist home, that matched him perfectly. "Wow. Your home is lovely Sportacus"
"thank you" he softly yells from the kitchen, fixing you both drinks "juice?" he hands you a glass of green juice, "Um sure." you gently grab the glass from his hand, softly grazing his fingers as you do, sending shivers down your spine. He sits opposite you, holding eye contact and looking at you lovingly.
"So...what exactly would you like to talk about?" Sportacus asks, smilingly. You look down and place the cup on the glass table next to you. Nervously fidgeting with your fingers, you prepare yourself to tell him the truth, and possibly get kicked out.
"Would you like me to speak first?" grabbing your hands and squeezing, you meet his icy eyes again. "No please. Let me go first." you beg. Nodding he gently let's go of your grasp and places his hands in his lap, anxiously rubbing them, anticipating what you have to say.
"I-I'm Robbie's sister." you blurt out. Wide eyed, you nervously stare at him, waiting his response.
Slowly he nods, one corner of his mouth slides into a smirk "I figured that out myself Y/N." You stare at him blankly, blinking a few times "wha- you. How?"
"you are both very similar" he laughs, slapping his thighs and standing up, removing the glasses from the table, leaving you sitting on the couch in shock "I'm surprised you think so little of me" he taunts from the kitchen. "well- I- are we really that much alike?" disgust laces your voice as you stare at him in disbelief. Walking over grinning "well.." he shrugs "also I know one other thing" holding up his index finger "and what's that?" You pry, he smirks walking up behind you.

"you're here to get rid of me." He confidently states, leaning down and whispering in your ear from behind "am I right?". You stay, sitting there frozen, staring straight ahead, not saying a word. As much as you believe this man won't hurt you, you still feel a slight hint of fear. You shamefully nod.
Standing in front of you, he grabs your face, raising it to look at him, "use your words princess."

"yes" you quietly respond. "I want you to say it Y/N" he sternly demands, his eyes hooded and dark, still holding your face. You respond "Yes Sportacus. You're right." Never breaking eye contact, a slight smirk appearing on your face. A smirk that he reciprocates.

Suddenly he grabs your waist pulling you up, your legs instinctively wrap round his waist. "So, does that make me evil?" you grin. "Possibly. But your plan failed..." Sportacus replies, laughing whilst carrying you to his bed " no, you're technically not evil." He lies you on his bed, hovering over you. You pout "So I'm not a villain?!"
Laughing deeply, he kisses you passionately, like he hasn't tasted your lips in years.

"No. You're not a villain Y/N."

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