Chapter 9: Emmet: Twisted Love

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Life is too boring, not enough action. Hopefully when my dad is done with his plans, life will be more interesting. I'm so grateful to take part in it. Classes like my boring and slow AP US History, give me too much time to think. Come to think of it, thanks to my love for my Mickey, we can use it against Jack to distract him from becoming the super soldier and use it as the starting point to split the country.

I absolutely despise that guy. He is over privileged, spoiled and has good looks. Looks that he doesn't take advantage of. He has girls throwing themselves at him and he does nothing about. These girls will do anything for Jack and he turns them down but says something cheesy about another girl having his heart. It also makes most of these girls fall in love with him more. Then again, I also have him to thank for having all the girls he turns down run over to me to mess around.

Ha. I'm thanking that buffoon for something. Putting up with him since kindergarten has been a headache; I only stuck around because of Mikayla. Her beautiful smile, with eyes you just want to get lost in. I know what you are thinking, I actually do love her but I will also be using her for personal gain as well. Win, Win situation all around except for Jack.

*Vrrrr* *Vrrrr*

Huh my phone vibrated. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and saw who the message was from. Hmm... Mikayla... what could she want?

You were right Em, Jack doesn't feel the same.

Why what happened? (For the past year I've been telling her lies that Jack doesn't like her.)

You know how he always tells girls that someone already has his heart, well she showed up to school today

Im not 100% following you Mickey. Explain.


Oh... I'm sorry Mickey. Do you want to talk about it?

Not now, at lunch we'll meet at the spot behind the science building

Alright I will see you there then.

I keep my promises we'll talk about it more at lunch

We ended the conversation at that. Somehow, someway I got her to agree that if things didn't work out between her and Jack she would give us a shot. So thanks to my lying ability and charm she agreed saying: "Why not, you and Jack are exactly the same. Who is better I don't know yet. Don't worry Em, I do love you too but Jack has always been the one I wanted. Just be happy I'm giving you a chance if it doesn't work."

Sure it broke my heart freshman year after confessing my love to her but I guess that's the reason I am the way I am today with girls. I asked to be excuse to go to the bathroom. I had to report in to my father. I walked to the bathroom down the hall from my class and entered. After clearing the bathroom I locked the door and activated my frequency jammer. It is encrypted to block all electronic signals in a room but the ones programmed to it.

After the fourth ring my father picked up.

"What can I do for you son, I'm about to start a teleconference with my generals."

"It's done father. The girl will be mine and it will tear apart Jack Tyler. You can order in the strike now. It will delay the King's plan to acquire him for the military. We will also be minus a potential threat on the battlefield as well."

"That's great son, I had my doubts about this childish plan but if we get results, it does not matter the method. You will be ready for further training while he is out. We need you to catch up to his skill level as a fighter and lead the way with our Special Forces group to eliminate all enemy HVTs."

"Yes father I will be ready for the training at least it will bring some excitement to my life. I must go before I get into trouble in class. Best wishes father and all hail the new king."

"And hail to the crown prince my son; good luck tonight at the game, house is all yours for the party."

I ended the phone call and turned off the frequency jammer. I fixed my jersey and uniform underneath it then left the bathroom. I walked in the sullen silence of the hallway and thought about the things I want to do with Mickey. Most things being without clothing and in my bedroom while Jack is either in coma or dead; some twisted love this sure is becoming...

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