Chapter 3: Jack: School Days

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08:25 I keep watching the clock hoping it would move faster. I'm barely through AP calculus and I feel way too anxious .

  09:05 If i could only move a little faster i wouldn't always be late to my favorite class, political science. Well that and also my locker is on the other side of school.  About halfway through the class period my interest peaked.

   "... the cause of World War III was corruption between the many military-industrial business and selfish CEOs and the former president. Now who would like to debate on behalf on the side of the revolutionaries."

  I rose my hand and my teacher called on me.

  "Ah yes Mr. Tyler it's always interesting having you debate. Now, who would like to debate on behalf of the former government."

  Silence. Im used to this no one likes to argue with me because i'm always passionate about the side i'm arguing for. One day after high school, i want to work for the King as a military advisor. With my connections almost anything can happen. After a few more moments a timid voice called out from the back of the room.

   "I'll challenge him." The voice reminded me of something from a few years ago. I just can't put a face to it. As the figure walked closer to the front I had a flashback from my childhood when i was 12 on a business trip with my dad. There was a little girl with the same voice there as well. Now that i think about it, the business was a protection detail for the king. Who has a daughter... my age...

         "Mrs. White could you please introduce yourself to Mr. Tyler. He was tardy so he didnt get to initially meet you." Our teacher Mr. Humphrey said.

 "Yes sir," she turned to face me and said "Mr. Tyler it is nice to..." Her voice trailed off as she gazed at me. "Jack is that actually you?" It is the princess who stands before me. I got down on one knee and bowed.

   "Your highness, it is a pleasure to see you again. It has been years why are you here?"

         "Mr. Tyler what is the meaning of this?" Our teacher asked with a dazed and confused look on his face.

 "Sir you are standing before the successor to the king, Charlotte White. My father runs the king's international security detail. As a prize for my high grades I was allowed to follow along and as a consolation i had the opportunity to befriend the princess." Then i said to the princess, "You changed your appearance princess I like the longer hair, it suits you better. I’m surprised no one noticed you until now."

  As i finished my statement everyone in the classroom began to bow and kneel. At the same moment the princess grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the class...

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