Chapter 10: Mikayla: Pursuit of Love

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If I stay any longer in this class I will either start crying or slap the shit out of that bitch Jack is dating. The things we would do for the people we love. At least Emmet has been with me this whole time and he actually told me how he felt without going around my back dating someone while I waited here desperately in love with him. Just watching the two of them work together makes my heart hurt. Then Liz nudged me from the side.

"Hey Mikayla stop staring I can see that jealous look on your face. Plus, jealousy is not a pretty look on you."

I gave her a little slap on the arm and responded with, "Hey not my fault, I never expected him to have a girlfriend, what does he see in her?"

"Are you really asking what he sees in her?"

"Yes I want to know what makes her better than me."

"Look at it this way Mickey, she is a cute, short blonde girl, who is rich, powerful and has connections."

"That's too shallow of a reason why they are dating. I look so much better than her, my butt is bigger and my boobs are bigger. C'mon what is she like a c-cup at most; I'm a thirty-six D."

"Okay captain ego-centric not all of us are gifted with big boobs. I'm barely a b-cup. If it wasn't for my eyes and long hair all the guys would think I'm one of them."

"Sorry but wait, how about you, how are you dealing with this."

She slid over a piece of paper over to me facedown. I flipped it over and it was a drawing of her and Jack walking away holding hands and the princess was crying in a corner.

"Real mature Liz, now help me out with this question. 'Which two decisive battles in the western front sealed Union victory and who led the army and the naval warships that took part in these battles?'"

"How am I supposed to know this? I didn't take notes or anything. We can't use our books either."

"Ugh, who would know?"

"Jack would know the answer he is the only one in our school with a ninety-six percent in APUSH and he loves history."

"Do we have to ask him? He is busy with his princess..."

"Fine, I'll do it." She turned in her seat to face Jack, "Jack, what did you get for number thirteen?"

He started scanning his page...

"Hmm, not there yet but..." He was interrupted by Princess Charlotte.

"The answer is the siege at Vicksburg led by General Ulysses S. Grant with naval support from Admiral David Farragut from the river. Before that, the first major battle was the siege of New Orleans led by Admiral David Farragut."

"Thanks for the help princess." Liz turned back to me. "Well that was surprising; I didn't expect her to be brainy. No wonder Jack gets along with her so well, they both look like they love history, I'm sure that's not the only thing they have in common."

A second after that, the bell rang and I bolted out of the class straight for Emmet. I know I promised Jack we would talk but to hell with it, He wasted his chance to be with me, I'm going to be all Emmett's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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