Chapter 4: Jack: A Royal Pain

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I completely forgot the princess was this fast! We were running fast up these stairs. It seems as if she touched the floor after every third step. Then again, I am focusing more on getting dragged and not falling, not her running form. After about a minute we landed on the roof of our school’s history building. We were a bit winded so it took us a minute until we started to speak.

          “What the hell was that about Jack?” She seemed conflicted. Her voice contained a fierce passion with a hint of anger. Then she did something I wasn’t expecting; she hugged me. “I wanted to be normal and go to high school normally. Damn you for exposing me to everyone.” I began to take a knee to properly apologize to her when she spoke again.

“Why do you find it necessary to kneel before me?”

          “I bow before her highness and heir to the throne, the princess of the Kingdom of the United States.” I responded evenly while beginning to kneel.

“Jack, stop being this stupid and stubborn! You weren’t like this a few years ago when we first met in Japan. You have changed so much in 5 years.”

          “I apologize for changing my appearance and attitude your highness.”

“Damn you Jack! Speak like a normal human being! Damn it and stop being all robotic!”

          “If that is what you wish for; I am obliged to give it to you.”

 I stood up and hugged the princess. This hug brought me back memories I haven’t thought about from my childhood. We used to sneak out at night and explore the castle in Japan. We would search for secret passageways or lie down together in the cherry blossom garden and watch the stars.

“I love your hugs Jack, they are the best.” Mikayla said the same thing to me earlier…

          “So, do you mind explaining to me what you are doing here in my high school princess?”

“You can drop the whole ‘princess’ formality it’s still too much for me.”

“That’s something I can’t stop doing, you know social codes of conduct and all.” She avoided my question the first time. “So why are you here princess?”

“Did you forget our promise?

I looked over to my right to see the expanse of our little campus. I thought back to that last month we spent together in Japan. Then to the last night we ever saw each other until today. That night we snuck out to the lake and went for a midnight swim. After about twenty minutes of swimming and splashing each other with freezing water, we sat down on the lake shore. A few silent moments passed by, then I started tearing up and we spoke to each other.

“What’s wrong Jack?”

          “I don’t want to leave you.” I felt a tear streak down the right side of my face.

“You think I want to leave you Jack? You have been the only person that has been a real friend to me. You aren’t my friend because you were forced too; you did it because you like me. You are my only friend,” she was being honest. I would have thought she had tons of friends.

          “You are one of mine’s too…” I remembered the pain in my heart all these years later and then forcing myself to say the next sentence.

          “Charlotte, promise you’ll find me later on, when we are older. I promise I will treat you the same as I have for the past few weeks. If you mean what you say, you’ll find me.”

“Of course I’ll come find you Jack; you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

I looked back to the Princess in present time and I assumed I was blushing because she pinched both my cheeks.

          “I had you promise me that you’ll find me when we are older and you did just that.”

“A promise is a promise, are you going to follow through with your end of the deal.”

          “Of course I never break my promises.” I flashed a small smile and thought about what I just had said. It was the same thing I told Mikayla when we last talked…

          “We should head back before any of the guys in our class get suspicious.”

“Yeah you’re right, let’s head back to class.” We started the long trek back to class. I guess this is the surprise my old man told me about this morning.

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