Chapter 7: Mikayla: Hey Mickey!

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Can this class get any slower! I want to see Jack already. I keep wondering about what he has to tell me later. Oh right, I am Mikayla Anderson, I am a junior here at Aegis Military Academy; for the past twelve years I have been in love with my best friend Jack Tyler. The only issue is he doesn’t feel the same way back. That’s what our best friend Emmet Connors says at least but I believe it, Jack has never or will ever look at me as his girlfriend.

I’ll tell you more about myself. I am seventeen years old and I am the head cheerleader here for both spirit and competition cheer squads. I have all AP classes. I am a petite bodied, 5’4”, hazel eyed, and black haired girl.


Yay that’s the bell, I can see Jack this period. I packed my stuff and headed to AP United States History. On the way I saw an unusually high amount of people on their phone and groups of people staring at a single phone. Then, my other best friend in the world, besides Jack and Emmet, came up behind me.

“Hey Mikayla, how are you doing?”

          “Not bad Liz just excited for tonight, aren’t you?” Lisbeth Hale, or Liz for short, is the Drum Major for our Band.

“Of course, we are going to kill the other band during the drum line battle. Oh by the way, why didn’t you tell me your best friend was dating someone! That could have saved a lot of hearts from breaking, including mine! Ha-ha”

          “What do you mean Liz? I am not following.”
          “Check your Snapchat; everyone’s been talking about it. Here is me thinking he’ll at least hook up with me because look at him he is gorgeous and all the girls throw themselves at him. But nope he has rejected every girl brave enough to ask him. He always replies with ‘there is who has already stolen my heart, I’m sorry. I’m sure you’ll find someone better than me.’ Who can be better than him?!?”

          “Give me a minute of silence; I need to look at my Snapchat. We’ll talk in class after I am done” As I looked I had five and more coming in most likely. The first one is a picture of Jack and a very pretty blonde in his last class. The caption said “The Prince & Princess <3”. Humph. What’s that about? The second one is the same pose but from a different angle. Caption said “It’s the Princess,” what princess could it be? I opened the third one it was a picture of them except blondie was cozying up with Jack and hugging him. They had a heart drawn around them. Speaking of hearts… mine is really hurting. I’m burning with jealousy.

As I sat down in class I opened the fourth one. It was a video. It was Kennedy Pearce, one of my cheerleaders. “Girl, Princess Charlotte is here and all over Jack!” That explained it better. It would make sense if they knew each other but I don’t like how close she is to him. I opened the fifth Snapchat and it absolutely killed me. He definitely is dating the Princess from how she was speaking:

“…as long as I have my knight with me; I will be perfectly fine.” Then she kissed him on the cheek! He didn’t turn away or do anything. He blushed and smiled of all things.

          “Earth to Mikayla, are you still there?”

“Yeah… I’m fine, it’s just…”

          “Don’t tell me you are in love with that playboy.” I looked away from her gaze. “You are aren’t you? Damn it Mikayla what did I say about falling for hot guys that are players?”

“He isn’t a player!” I said a little too loudly. “He is a sweet guy; he never has had sex with anyone let alone kissed a girl. Damn it Liz he still hasn’t had a girlfriend. Why do you think he turns down girls left and right?”

          “Hate to break it to you girl but you probably have been left in the dark about his love life.”

“That’s not possible, he tells me everything!”

          “Look calm down I am sure he’ll explain everything to you; so don’t work yourself up to bad. I think I hear him coming. It sounds like him.”

I looked over to the doorway and here comes Jack he looked straight at me then someone else followed up behind him and tackle-hugged him. He turned around to face her and smile. When Jack moved my way I saw it was the Princess behind him, following him like a rabbit would follow a carrot. I don’t know what’s going on; Jack how could you make me feel this way…?

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