Chapter 5: Eric Tyler: Rebellion?

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I wonder if Jack has reconnected with the princess yet. I need him to stay near her; he’s the only security detail we have inside the school. I keep thinking about how important it is that these two get along. I am hoping their friendship as children will overlap as young adults. My office is becoming two small, mentally speaking. I look over to my right and see my pictures from around the world; most of which are with the king. Then I stop my gazing at one picture that will forever be my favorite without my wife in it. Japan, the summer of 2064, when Jack and I went along with the king. The picture is of me and the king with Charlotte and Jack when they were only twelve and five year old Gerald. Speaking of which, I should call his Majesty to update him on the progress we made with his daughter.

As I turned on the holographic screen for my phone; my intercom buzzed alive.

                   “Excuse me sir, you have a priority one call on line red.”

That was the voice of my trusted secretary Jacob McCarthy. He has been my trusted aide since before I started this company; back in the days of my military time.

          “Who is it from Jake?”

                   “Sir it is the king, he would like to talk to you at once. Like I have previously stated sir, it is priority one message.”

          “Thank you Jake, please hold all calls and begin lockdown procedure for my office.”

                   “On the double sir,” before I touched the screen on my holographic desk phone my room became the second most secured location in the world; on the other end of the phone was the most secured location on Earth.

          “This is Eric Tyler of Ares Co. how can I help you today your Majesty?”

                   “I have two things to discuss with you Mr. Tyler. But, before we start, how are you doing today, it has been awhile since we have last seen each other.”

          “It has been great sir, and yours?”

                   “Fine, thank you. Now back to business. First how is my daughter doing in her new school?”

          “So far so good your highness; No problems with receiving her class schedule or having her identity compromised.”

                   “I would assume your son will blow her cover as soon as he sees her, so what’s with the deceit?”

          “To better train both my son and your daughter; your daughter is learning the art of deception while my son is learning to maintain a sharp eye and identification.”

                   “Smart and the second thing is… we have a situation. Our intel suggest your good friend and business partner Timothy Connors, the CEO and owner of Centurion private military company is planning to betray the both of us and commence a coup. Here is the bad news going worse. His influence will take over the whole west coast without a fight. At the moment, here at the palace we are having a screening for a new Special Forces unit codenamed “The King’s Men” that will lead a quick strike against the rebels when the time comes. Your son is our top pick to lead a task group of soldiers in his age bracket. He will lead one group out of five total task groups. He has maintained the highest merits in all combat and leadership courses and an outstanding class load. Would you allow us to take your son into our care and train him on top of the training you have already given him?”

I was in absolute shock from what the king was asking me. I would never have thought any of this could be true. Timothy Connors, we served together, he is a diehard patriot just like I am. To think he is masterminding a coup against our government is incomprehensible.

“Mr. Tyler what is your answer?

      “Sir, I am still in shock with the news you have dropped on me.”

“Do you think I can have an answer later tonight?”     

      “Yes sir, I would ask my son right now but he is focusing on the championship game.”

“Then it’s settled. I will come over and bring my family over for dinner and we will talk to Jack together.”

      “Yes sir, Dinner will be ready around twenty hundred and Jack will be home around twenty-two hundred.”

“Good, then it will give us time to catch up; it has been a few weeks since we have seen each other in person.”

      “Yes sir, very well I look forward to your visit tonight.”

“As do I, I shall see you later tonight Eric.”

The king hung up the phone and I sat back into my seat and deactivated my lockdown procedures. My head is killing me I think I need an Advil. I opened my drawer and found my bottle of Advil. I thought about it and threw it back into the drawer. Then I called Jake over the intercom.


      “Yes sir, what can I do for you?”

“Does anyone in the office have strong, hard liquor?”

      “I do sir; I have a nice bottle of brandy in my desk, would you like a glass?”

“If I could that would be great.”

           Tonight is going to be the most important dinner of Jack’s life so far.

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