Chapter 6: Jack: Snapchat Story

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On the way back to class we had a few minutes to catch up on each other’s lives.

      “Jack, what have you been up to since we last saw each other?”

“Nothing much really, I have been working harder to get the job I really want. I am a captain on the football team; I still do my martial arts classes on the side. That’s about it really, and yourself, your highness?”

      “Hmm… I have been home schooled since Japan, I have been practicing for cheerleading and that’s about it. I have just been thinking about you a lot that’s how I convinced my father to let me come here. Well that and I told him I would run away.” I stopped in my tracks.

 “You told him you were going to do what?”

      “I’m just kidding, if I wanted to see you that bad I would have just snuck out like the good old days.”

“Ha-ha very funny, you do that I get my head cut off. You know your dad would do it.”

      “No, you swear my dad would do that, you are the only boy he ever wants me to see. He is just afraid of me being in public. ‘It’s a threat to my wellbeing, if I stay out in public too long.’ Or so the head of my security detail says.”

“Is your H.O.S. still Jaime Cruz?”

      “Yup, he is so lame, I can’t even go swim in the backyard without letting him know.”

“It’s his orders to be like that, he is a great guy also. I love playing chess with him but I don’t know if I am actually beating him or if he is letting me win.” I let out a little laugh after that.

      “When do you have time to play chess with my H.O.S.?”

“Whenever I go to training and he is there we get a few matches done every time we can. ‘Strengthens the mind’ he says.”

The conversation dropped like that as we walked back into our classroom. When we walked into the class we were bombarded with comments and whistling, my favorites were:

“That was too quick Jack!”

      “You move to fast Jack when we going to get some?!?”

                   And finally, “Talk about a royal pleasure!”

After all was said and done, our teacher hushed the classroom and spoke to Charlotte.

“Your Highness I apologize for their misbehavior and any discomfort they may have caused you.”

      “It’s quite alright Mr. Humphrey, as long as I have my knight with me; I will be perfectly fine.” She then hugged me from the side and kissed me on my cheek. While she gave me the kiss everyone was on their phone probably posting the picture everywhere they can. This isn’t good; I need to explain this to Mickey before she gets the wrong idea. I look at my phone but its dead…  I was saved when the bell rang; well that’s what I thought at first…  

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