Chapter 2: Jack: The Proposal

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 All I hear from my surrounding is the roar of my engine. I was on the three mile long straightaway leading up to my academy. The first mile is a stretch of road going through a forest and after that a straight clear road with a beautiful view. When I approached the halfway point of the clearing is when Hermes talked to me.

   "Sir, I do suggest you slow the motor vehicle down. Your school is fast approaching." Hermes is the artificial intelligence or A.I. for short that my father's company created for military personnel. Another thing interesting about my motorcycle that has been added on is handprint ignition system. Basically my hands need to stay on the handlebars at all times to drive.

          "Thank you Hermes, I will ease up on the accelerator."

   I released the accelerator so it could decrease to half and cruise at 65 mph. The scenery here is always beautiful at dusk and dawn. The open flatness, followed by the lake in the distance is absolutely beautiful. A few moments later, my school came into view.

   Aegis Military Academy is in a valley between three steep mountains, which covers 3 acres; one acre for buildings, one for school team sports and the last acre is for military drills and combat simulations.

   As I pulled into my parking spot, my good friend/brother was waiting for me. I have known Emmet since we were in preschool so about the same time I met Mickey. Also to mention his father runs the only other company that has claims on the remaining fifty percent of contracts.

   "Yo bro, you left your jersey at my place when we were studying for AP Language. You have to remember you have to wear these on game days." He threw me my jersey and we fist bumped after I put it on.

   "Not my fault I was more focused packing my bag with my homework." I laughed as I tucked my jersey into my pants. My football number has always been fifty-three and Emmet has always been fifty-five. We are both linebackers and we have been linebackers since pee-wee. They call us the "Twin Tigers" because of our defensive skill set of being fast, light on our feet and always striking hard.

   "Let's get to AP Calculus we have about ten minutes to get there and it’s across campus." I told him as I started walking towards the mathematics building.

          "Jack you are asking her today, right?"

   "Yeah, I am going to do it after the game."

          "Oh, that's perfect then..." his voice trailed off, but before I could ask him why Mickey ran up to us and gave us a group hug.

          "Good luck guys. Get us the championship," she exclaimed. Mickey is the head cheerleader for our team and has both our numbers written on her cheek.

          "With you cheering us on we will for sure make that championship ours." I told her. "Emmet can you go on ahead to class, I need to talk to her really quick."

   "Sure no problem, I'll catch you in AP Chem Mickey." They hugged and he left.

  "So... uh... Mikayla do you think can we talk after the game, I have something to ask you later."

         "Ummm... why don't you ask me now silly?" She replied in her cute voice.

  "Trust me it will be worth the wait. Have I ever lied to you?

         "Hmm... fine. We will talk after the game but promise me we'll be best friends no matter what."

 "Why do I have to promise you that every time I have to tell you something?"

          "Just want to make sure I never lose you. We have been friends to long for us three to be separated now."

          I stuck my pinky out and we interlocked them. "I promise you we will be friends until death Mickey. I never break my promises. I will see you at lunch." I started to walk away but she called out to me.

          "Jack can I please get a hug from you? I love your hugs."

   We hugged and after I started walking I looked back to see Mickey but she was still there, clutching her books to her chest and her head down.

   "Mickey, you okay!" I called out to her but all she did was take off the other way. Why is she so odd today... she isn't like this? Maybe it’s the nerves from the big game....

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