Chapter 7- Sweet Scavenger

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Mina's original plan was to help people that she saw were in need of that little push to get their confidence going. So you could imagine her suprise when one of her classmates came looking for her directly. It surprised her for sure but it shocked her more when she saw who it was specifically.

"H-hey, A-Ashido...?" Came a stuttering voice, paired with a knock on the door.

"Hm?" Mina stopped dancing, and looked up at the open doorway. The majority of the class had gone out for the day, as a way to relax after a tough Monday morning. "Oh! Hey, Ojiro! What's up?"

"Um..." He looked up and saw she had her phone on a stand and seemed to be recording something. "Did I catch you at a bad time? You seem to be busy recording something."

"Oh no, it's fine! I was just filming a Tik Tok. Don't worry about it. Now. What did you want to talk about?"

"Um... Well..."

"Hang on. Come sit."

Ojiro hesitated before doing so. He always drank his respect women juice religiously, so he was always awkward speaking to his female classmates and fellow peers and UA students, and when entering their rooms; regardless of the fact he gets invited in. He eventually shuffled in and sat on the floor.

"Do you want a chair or beanbag or something?" Mina giggled. "You can always sit on my bed."

"N-No thanks." Ojiro mumbled. "I'm fine..."

"Alright. So... What did you want to talk to me about?"

"W-well... I was talking to Kaminari and he told me how you helped him and Shinso get together; just like Komori and Kuroiro, Awase and Kaibara, Sero and Iida. I f-figured th-that you m-might be able t-to help me...?"

"If course I can, Ojiro! What kinda help are you seeking?"

"... Love advice...? Or even advice on how to ask someone out...?"

"Oo~! Alright. Who is it?"


"Aww~! You two would be so cute together! What have you already done? Regarding hints of affection?"

"I gave her a teddy bear and some white chocolate for Valentine's Day... Ice tried to talk to her when I get the chance but she's just.... So happy and bubbly, that I find it hard to form a sentence around her without getting embarrassed."

"Poor Baby... Don't worry. I'll help you! I know she likes scavenger hunts. So maybe something like that, where you leave clues for her throughout the day? How do you like that idea?"

"It sounds like fun for the both of us...! But... Will you help me with the clues?"

"What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?"

"Fair enough. Thank you, Ashido."

"No problem. Now. Let's get started on these clues shall we?"

Ojiro nodded and seemed to get a bit more comfortable. He pulled himself up so he was kneeling on the ground as Mina placed some pencils, pens, markers, stickers, coloured paper and a few other bits and bobs on the carpet.

Mina began to cut the pieces of paper into hearts as Ojiro wrote down some clues after they talked about where the clues could lead to. They did this all afternoon and even continued after dinner until lights out.

Mina went to bed that night with giddiness. She was excited to be doing something so big with her friend. Closing her eyes and snuggling under her blankets.


The next morning, Mina sat in her seat, bag by her feet. Aoyama wandered past after speaking to Uraraka and accidentally tripped over the Alien's said bag.

"I'm so sorry, Ashido-san!" Aoyama fretted as he picked up her bag and placed her books back in after they fell out.

"It's all good, Aoyama!" Mina beamed as she took her bag back from the French blonde.

Aoyama sat down in his seat and his heart was pounding against his chest. He had slipped a little note into her bag. Aizawa wandered in and the class began their lesson.

After 15 minutes into the lesson, Ojiro slipped a piece of paper onto Hagakure's desk as the latter got up to go to the bathroom. Thankfully, Aizawa had his back turned and everyone had their heads down; scribbling down the notes into their books.

Mina noticed how Ojiro was blushing slightly but trying his hardest to hide it. This went on for the rest of the day. Ojiro  watched as Hagakure completed each little clue with ease. But 5:00pm that afternoon l, Hagakure was on her last clue.

"You're transparent beauty is the most important thing in my life." Hagakure read, as her friends gathered around. "But the need for you in my life is just like another I can't live without. What could that mean?"

"I know, Ribbit!" Asui beamed. "What else do people need to survive?"


"Water! Kero!"

"The Fountain! Ha ha! I'll see you girls later!"

Mina watched as the invisible girl ran off. Mina wanted to follow so she could cross OjiToru off her list but decided to let them have their moment. Instead, she texted the Martial Arts Hero that the girl was on her way. He replied back quickly to say thanks and that he'll tell her how it goes afterwards.

Mina went to her room and decided to get started on her homework from Present Mic's English class. As she placed her books on her desk, she found a pink note with neat cursive handwriting.

"You were thrown from space because no one else could stand how beautiful you are, so you were given to Earth and hopefully me."

Mina blushed and felt tears prick her eyes. She's never had anyone say something so nice to her before. She used to get bullied about her alien like appearance. She got her quirk from her Mama, her appearance from her mum. Her dad was quirkless but her mum's said she got her personality from him.

Mina decided to postpone her homework and instead decided to call her polycule parents.

NOTE: I did go through and fix up the titles of the other chapters as they were consistent so apologies for that.


Hope you enjoyed!

(I am on a roll with my story updates!)

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