Chapter 13- Sudden Change

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Mina didn't know what to say, and it was clearly making Aoyama upset. Fiddling with her hands, she eventually came to a decision.

"I would love to." The genuine honesty in her voice was unmatched to the expression on the French blonde's face.

"G-great...!" Aoyama stammered. "W-What d-do you wanna d-do?"

"Date wise? Well...? I would love to go somewhere fun, that's for sure! How about we go out somewhere fun tomorrow! After school I mean."


Mina smiled and skipped down the hall as Aoyama headed into opposite direction. Once he was outside, he pulled out an old style flip phone and clicked the call button, in which directed him straight to Shigaraki.

"It's done." Aoyama said as soon as Shiggy picked up. He must admit, Shiggy making him do this made him feel really guilty for playing with Mina's feelings. "I...I asked her out..."

"What did she say?" The latter rasped from the receiving end.

"She said yes..."

"Then why are you sounding so disappointed?! Get your head in the game Twinkle Toes! Keep the act up or we'll throw you back onto the streets and trust me when I say this; Your family will suffer worse then what you anticipated."

Shigaraki hung up and Aoyama was left, somewhat paralyzed, to the spot. He didn't want his mother to suffer. Last time he refused to do what Shigaraki and the LOV wanted, they killed his father. Apparently that was simply a 'warning'. Regardless, it scared both him and his mother shitless.

But... Not only does he have to worry about the safety of his dear mother, but now the safety of the love of his life?! Why did the world have to be so cruel?! If only his family didn't deal with the devil... Maybe things might be normal..

"But if they were, I wouldn't have gotten here, not met Mina..." Aoyama mumbled to himself before holding his head high, strapping back on his metaphorical mask and wandering back to the dorms.

Little did he know, someone was watching him and had heard the entire conversation. Someone who could cause a massive problem for both Aoyama and everyone else caught in the crossfire.

Aoyama made it back to the dorms and tried to act like nothing happened. He headed to his room but as he reached the elevator, Mina skipped upto him.

"Hey, Aoyama!" She beamed. "I think I have an idea for our secret date tomorrow!"

"Oh?" Aoyama queried. "And what would that be, mon amour?"

"I was thinking~ maybe a Roller Rink? There's the one in Tokyo called Dome Roller Skate Arena. I know it'll be a fair way away, but we have the school day off tomorrow, because all the teachers have a conference, so we can leave in the morning!"

"Sounds like a lovely idea. But what are you going to tell your friends?"

"Well... The girl's are thinking about going to the mall tomorrow and the Bakusquad wanna go to the arcade. I'll just tell the squad I'm going shopping and tell the girls I'm going to the arcade!"

"But won't that cause some confusion if they figure it out? Won't they get worried that something bad has happened?"

"They'll get over it. Besides; I think I need a break from all of their couple stuff. For once? I get to spend time with the one I love." Mina placed a kiss on Aoyama's cheek before skipping off.

The blonde quickly scurried off, deciding to take the stairs instead. He quickly raced up them; thoughts going a hundred miles an hour and face getting hotter and hotter the more flustered he became. Once he made it to his room, he flipped onto his bed and lay face first.

After a few moments, he turned his head but still lay, stomach first. He picked up his phone and decided to call either Hawks or Mirko. He didn't want to talk to Uraraka otherwise she'd spill the fact that he and the pink skinned girl were dating.

He clicked on Mirko's contact, held the phone to his ear and allowed the dial tone to drill into his head.


Mina had just gotten dressed into her pyjamas, after having a shower, and was drying her hair while humming a happy tune. She was really excited to be going out with Aoyama. She didn't want to tell the girls as they were quite a gossip group and she didn't want to tell the Bakusquad as Bakugo was like a protective mother; if he didn't think someone was good enough for one of his 'extras' he made it everyone's problem to know.

She places her towel around her neck as she stood at one of the basins and brushed her teeth. She was bubbling with joy! Does she tell her brother, or keep him in the dark? To be honest, keeping them in the dark for a while couldn't hurt, right? I mean, Mina and Aoyama had only just started dating. Heck! They haven't even gone on an official date yet!

After she was done, she ran a quick brush through her slightly damp, curly hair, before cleaning up her things. Just as she wandered out, Jiro wandered in with YaoMomo. Mina made it back to her room and turned the light on; only to get a jump scare.

"AAHH!" She cried, placing a hand on her rapidly beating heart. "Dexter! You Scared The Shit Outta Me!"

"Sorry." He replied as he stood up, leaving creases in the bedsheets of his sister's bed. "But I have something very important to tell you."

"And what would that be?" She questioned as she put her things away.

"I know about you and Aoyama." This caused Mina to freeze with panic. Seeing his little sister's sudden distress, he decided to reassure her. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. But there is something really important you must know."

"What is it?"

"Aoyama? He's working for Shigaraki and the LOV."

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