Chapter 15- Confession

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The duo sat in a small booth, in the additional food court, and we're sharing some chips. Aoyama wanted to tell her the truth but couldn't bare to even imagine the hurt and betrayal the angel across from him would give. With a sigh, he stirred his straw in his lemonade with a downcast expression. Mina was just about to take a sip of her orange Fanta, when she noticed the change in the atmosphere from the boy across from her.

"Hey..." She began softly. "You alright?"

"..." Aoyama remained silent before he sighed. He guessed it was now or never, right? The most she could do was leave. "I... I have something to tell you, Mina..."

"Oh...?" Mina's heart rate jumped a bit. Was he going to dump her? Even though they were only on their first date? A million different scenarios raced through her mind.

"It's something really important that needs to be said." Aoyama continued. "And I apologise in advance for anything that might happen as a result."


"I... I'm... Well... *Sigh* let me begin this somewhere else." He looked up at her with the most worrying, fearful and, yet, stern gaze Mina had ever seen. "You know how Sensei and Principal Nezu said that there is a traitor at school?"


"W-well...? It's... It's me... I'm the traitor..."

Mina couldn't speak. She couldn't breathe. It's like everything just suddenly stopped and left Mina behind. She couldn't believe it... Her brother was right... Mina felt her heart shatter but yet still stay in one piece. How? Why?

"Y-you're working for Shigaraki...?" Mina breathed with tears welling in her 'raccoon' eyes.

"Yes... But please let me explain why...!" Aoyama quickly protested as a way to keep Mina in her seat even though she showed no intentions of leaving. "Long story short; I was born quirkless. My parents made a deal with AFO that, if I were to be given a quirk, then I have to be a spy. I don't want to, though. I really don't."

"Then why not leave?"

"I-" Aoyama was surprised with how calm she was being, regardless of the tears that fell down her delicate cheeks. He found it oddly comforting. She was actually wanting to hear him out. Hear his story before making a decision. "Lat time I disobeyed AFO, he murdered my father and said he'll do the same to my mother if I try to go against his orders again. And apparently, my father's murder was only a warning."

"Why did you decide to tell me?"

"Because. Shigaraki wants to get to All Might. And when he found out I had a crush on you-"

"He thought that I could get you closer to Bakugo, assuming you'd get closer to Midoriya and result in getting closer to All Might Sensei..."

"Y-Yes... I never had any intentions of hurting you, Mina. I truly do love you and I have for a while, ever since the Sports Festival. But seeing you fawning over Kirishima-kun made me realise that you would love me back..."

"Heh... It's funny you know..." Mina whipped her tears, looked into her glass and stirred her drink. "I actually walked in on Bakugo and Kiri kissing in the classroom. I felt so hurt but decided to help others find their forever loves, so they wouldn't have to go through the heartache I'd did of not confessing sooner. I guess I just got so wrapped up in that, I didn't really think about who could've loved me..."

"You seem to be taking this a while lot better than I anticipated... But I must ask. Are you mad? Disappointed? Scared or even want to ditch me and never speak to me again?"

"Wha-?!" Mina shot her head up with hurt and panic. "Absolutely not! I'm actually really proud of you for confessing this to me! And to be honest? I don't care eif you're a villain! You a wonderful person, Yuga. You've just had a much different upbringing and have been exposed to things that shouldn't. You're broken and I want to be the plaster to help you heal... Please..."

Aoyama was stunned as the girl placed her soft, delicate hand on his own, not as soft nor delicate hand. Her smile was warm and welcoming and, upon hearing her say his first name in such a loving tone, set butterflies free in his stomach.

This girl. God this girl was a wonder. Aoyama didn't know how he got so lucky but he's kinda glad she's not with Kirishima, because if they were together, Aoyama might even turn yandere just to have her to himself. But because of the universe and his quick actions, she was his to love and cherish and spoil.

And she didn't care that he was a traitor. Didn't care that he was a villain. She just loved him for who he was. She stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before taking his hand, collecting their things; the duo exited the Roller Rink and made their way to the bus stop.

Once the bus arrived, they found a place to sit and Mina didn't let go of his hand once.  It provided with with the clarity that she was never to let him go. It kept him grounded to the fact that there was someone that didn't care what someone has done, and only cares for what the person is doing now.

As the bus took them to UA, Mina lay her head on his shoulder. Aoyama had a thought. Maybe the reason she was so understanding was for the simple fact that her brother was sin a similar position; doing bad things as a result of how society had treated him and others like him. Maybe its because she knows how to deal with stuff like this.

Regardless, it made Aoyama feel safe. Secure. Once they got back to UA, the duo made their ways inside and to their rooms to change before dinner was ready.

Welcome to the 1008 worded chapter I just spam wrote in the space of 10 minutes!

Hope you enjoy!

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