Chapter 9- Brotherly Love

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Mina was sitting in the lounge room, playing a game of Jenga with Madaki, Gou and Tyler. Tyler had gotten home at around lunch time after a day at the skate park. Tyler had blonde hair and golden eyes. His quirk was telekinesis, so that's what he was doing to play the game. He simply stared at the block he wanted and it hovered out of its spot and to the top of the said tower.

Dexter stormed down the stairs and into the kitchen after their dad called them out. The group put a stop to their game and went to sit outside to eat. It was 6:00pm but the warm summer night was perfect for an outdoor meal. Mina sat next in-between Masaki and Gou, while Tyler, Dexter and Mama Ren sat across from them. Mum Harper and their dad sat at either end.

"How's school going, Mina?" Her dad asked as he served his salad.

"It's going good, actually!" Mina beamed. "I've had a great year so far and I'm loving class."

"Made many friends? Because last time we heard about your friends, you had made friends with Kirishima, a boy called Kaminari and another student named Sero."

"Yeah. I've still got Kirishima, Denki and Sero, but I've got another friend called Bakugo. We're in a squad called the Bakusquad. They're really fun to be around and, although I'm friends with everyone in my class, They're the ones I hang out with the most." Mina placed a spoonful of pasta into her mouth.

"Have you asked Kiri out yet?" Masaki questioned. Mina's face fell as she relived the moment she realised that it was impossible to do so. "Mina?"

"N-No..." She stammered. "I- he's gay and in a relationship with Bakugo..."


"But, I have been helping my classmates get together with their love interests, tho! And that brings me to another topic." She reached into her short pocket and pulled out the little letters that have been finding their way to her. "These secret admirer messages have been popping up since Valentine's Day."

"Have you figured out who it is yet? Gou asked as he took one and read it.

"Do you think I would be telling you if I knew?"

"Fair enough. These are really sweet and cute!" Gou handed it off to Tyler. "Whoever it is has it down bad for you, sis. I dont think I've ever heard anything this sweet before. Hopefully, when you figure out who it is, you bring them over, Kay?"

"Sure. I'd want them to meet my amazing family anyways!"

The family continued to eat.


Mina wandered up the stairs, but stopped short when she noticed Dexter's door was open and annoyed grunts and whispers coming from his room. Gingerly creeping forward, she peaked around the door frame to see him messing around with the band around his ankle.

"What are you doing, Dex?" Mina questioned.

"What do you want?" He replied flatly as he pulled at the band.

"I was just heading to my room to find something to put these notes in, then I saw you trying to get that thing off."

"Well Mind You Fucking Business."

"Why are you like this? Why do you think it's fun to break the law? What sorta joy do you find in this? Why are you-?"


Mina began to tear up. She's never heard her brother sound so vulnerable. He's the eldest of them all; 19, and he's like the protector of the siblings. He's always been there when something went wrong...


"What A Freak!" A girl with orange pigtails and fox ears laughed. "You should be ashamed of yourself. You really think that, Eijiro Kirishima, the hottest boy in the class, would like a monster like you?! Keep dreaming."

The girl and her group of 4 friends laughed their heads off as Mina hung her head; tears threatening to fall. If she cried then they would just tease her some more.

"Aww~! Is the alien gonna cry~?!" Another, with hair made of water teased.

"Like he'll ever love a bitch like you, Takaru..." Mina replied flatly.

"What did you call me?!"

"You heard me."

Takaru gritted her teeth and raised her hand to slap the pink skinned girl. Just as she was about to, a tanned hand grabbed her wrist. Mina looked up to see that Dexter had a hold of the fox girl's wrist with a stern glare.

"Lay a finger on my sister and I'll snap your arm in two." He growled as he released his grip from Takaru.

The girls stepped back before sprinting off. Mina launched herself at her brother and hugged him around the waist.

"Thank you, Dexter..."


"I'm so sorry, Dexter..." Mina sobbed. "I didn't realise how much you were hurting... I wish you had told me before you went off and started doing all of this..."

"... Come here..." Dexter held his arms open and Mina flung herself into them. Dexter then wrapped his arms around her. "I'm so sorry for yelling at you... I'm just going through alot at the moment... I got fired from my third job so far and the police officer said that I need to find something to do for community service..."

"It's OK. But start talking to someone before doing drastic shit. Now," Mina pulled out of the hug and wiped her eyes. "About this community service. Why don't you come to school and become a teaching assistant?"

"I dunno, M... I've been arrested countless times."

"We'll all of the teachers are heroes. So there'll be authority to watch over you at all times. Plus! Sensei might need the help. He keeps calling us his problem children, says that 5 coffees in the morning isn't enough and he doesn't get paid enough to deal with us, so maybe some help might help not only you, but Sensei as well!"

"I... I'll think about it, OK?" Dexter ruffled her curly pink hair.

Mina simply giggled and smiled. God she loved her brother.

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