Chapter 5- Valentine's Cupid

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Mina was ready.

She had her list and was ready to get to work.

Her first target? Sero and Iida.

She crept through the dorms until she found Sero, sitting on the floor in their dorm, eating some chocolate and reading a small card.

"Knock Knock!" Mina giggled.

"Hmm?" Sero looked up, after biting into a chocolate. They looked up and swallowed. "Hey, Mina! What's up?"

"Oh, nothing...!" She wandered in and sat down with her hands in her lap and a smile on her lips. "Whatcha doing~?"

"Eating chocolate and trying to figure out who even gave them to me. Apparently I have a secret admirer but I wanna know who it is so badly!"

"Did you give your chocolates to you know who~?!"

"Y-Yeah... But I ran off before he could figure out it was from me."

"Fair enough. Hand me the card." Sero handed the pink alien the card. "I just wanted to let you know that I Love You since I saw you. Love, Your secret admirer...! Aww! That's so simple yet so sweet! Sero! You have to find them!"

"I would really love to but... I can't tell who wrote it, cause the hand writing literally looks like it might as well be typed up." Sero pouted and plopped another piece of chocolate in his mouth.

"What type of chocolates are those, Sero?" Mine queried, with interest as she looked at the box.

"Mexican Chili Chocolate. Why?"

"Isn't that expensive to send to Japan? Because it'd have to be sent directly from Mexico, right?"

"We don't have Chili Chocolate in Japan so, yeah, of course. Why do you ask?"

"Well~ Some one would've had to spend a fair amount of money to send this here, right?"

"Yeah...? Where are you going with this, Mina?"

"Are You Seriously That Oblivious, Sero?! Who else has that neat of Handwriting that looks fucking typed and who's loaded enough to give you fucking expensive Chocolates, your favourite, mind you, for Valentine's Day?!"


"It's Iida, God Damit!" Mina squealed. "Iida is your secret admirer and returned you Valentine's gift!"

"... A-Are you s-sure...?!"

"Momo is a lesbian and Todoroki's handwriting isn't that good, so Of Course It Has To Be!"

"No need to be so cruel to Roki. Denki's handwriting is worse." Sero just frowned playfully.

"Well Denki is dyslexic, so that's beside the point. So stop stalling, and go get your Mans, Idiot!"

Mina pushed them outta their room and into the hallway. She couldn't help but giggle at the way the raven-haired teen stumbled down into the common room, trying to regain their footing. She started on her way to her own room when she accidentally crashed into Midoriya.

"S-sorry...!" The green haired male stammered.

"It's all good, Midoriya!" She smiled. "Where are you off to?"

"T-Todoroki-kun asked me to meet him outside."

"Oo~! Alright! I won't hold you here for any longer! Have fun!"

"Th-Thanks Mina. Happy Valentine's Day."

Mina beamed and turned her gaze down to her list. If her gut feeling was correct, Iida was Sero's secret admirer and Todoroni was going to confess to Deku. She decided to head outside and see if she could catch TodoDeku in action.

Once she got outside and outta sight, she was just in time to see Deku stand on his tiptoes and give Todoroki a kiss on the lips before the bicoloured male held the broccoli boy's cheeks and kiss him passionately. With a smirk, Mina crossed 'TodoDeku' off her list.

She headed back inside just as Sero crashed into her, with a love struck look.

"Someone's Happy~!" She teased, hiding her list behind her back.

"You were right, Mina!" Sero beamed. "Tenya IS my secret admirer!"

"That's great!" Mina felt a pang in her chest, her smile becoming strained. "Well you go and have some fun. You've still got the entire day to spend with Iida...!"

"You're right! ¡Feliz día de los enamorados, Mina!"

Sero ran off and Mina turned towards her own room. As she went, she saw Denki and Shinso cuddled on the couch together, Uraraka calling her girlfriend and Bakugo and Kiri holding hands as they left the dorms.

Her phone rang and she looked at the caller ID. Kinoko Komori. She tried to prevent herself from crying and answered.

"Hey, Komori! What's up?" Mina began.

"I just wanted to check up on you!" Komori replied happily from the other end of the phone. "You're alone on Valentine's Day so I wanted to see if you were fairing well."

"I'm all good! Todoroki and Midoriya are together and Sero just ran out the door to meet Iida. So SeroIida and TodoDeku have been crossed off the list! How about everyone in your class?"

"Some people trying to figure out their secret admirers or going on dates. When I get back to the dorms tonight, I'll see who's together and who's not, then we can work out who to get together from there."

"I'll do the same in my class. May I ask where you're going?"

"Shihai is taking me to the movies for our first Valentine's Day, so, yeah."

"Oh... Alright then. Have fun."

"I will and thank you! Happy Valentine's Day, Ashido-san!"

"Happy Valentine's Day, Komori..."

Mina hung up and felt tears well in her eyes. She felt hurt. She never felt like this in Valentine's any other year, but... Maybe because she had some one she loved but found it hard to loose? And she's playing cupid for everyone else? She wasn't sure so she just headed to her room.

When she got there, she let tears fall as she closed her eyes. She wandered further in her room and was about to lay on her bed when she spotted a red rose with a card and box of chocolates.

She tilted her head slightly and picked up the rose. She took a sniff and she couldn't help but felm an overwhelming sense of relaxation consume her body. She looked at the Chocolates and picked one up and put it in her mouth. She looked at the card and saw the nearest cursive she had ever seen.

"Your smile is brighter than the sun. Kindnesses sweeter than Chocolates and your laugh I could listen to all the time. So I ask, Will You Be My Valentine? Love Your Secret Admirer...?!" Mina was shocked.

While she was so fixated on loosing Kiri and helping her classmates and friends, she didn't realise that someone actually liked her.

"I wonder who you are, Secret Admirer..."

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