Chapter 5

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Niall and Cassidy had ran off today to April's grave again. Cassidy said that Niall's mum had dragged him away by his ear.

April. I laid back in my bed. Thinking of her made me miserable. I missed her so much. And the worst part is, Niall has all the sudden gone crazy thinking that shes actually alive.

It was about 3:00 in the morning. I had been woken up by a dream about April.

A branch was tapping against the window of my hotel room. The cold, night air was whipping through what was left of the leaves on the trees. (Look guise somebody told me I need to describe stuff better. So I am trying)

I started to tear up a little at the thought of April. She was the love of my life. And I missed her so bad.

I heard running through the hallway and decided I should see who it was.

I got out of my bed and crept to the door, opening it a peak. There, in the hallway, were Niall and Cassidy. They were trying to be as quiet as they could as they tried to find the elevator.

I crept out of my room and followed them in till they found it. As they were going down, I ran as fast as I could down 12 flights of stairs.

I finally arrived at the bottom, sweaty and out of breath.

I heard the elevator ding and Cassidy and Niall stick their heads out to make sure nobody was in the lobby.

Only the night guard, who was asleep, and of course me.

Once they thought it was clear, they ran out of the elevator. I followed them as they ran out of the door and down the sidewalk, trying their best to not be seen.

I followed them in till they stopped at.... April's grave?

They both sat down and held hands for the longest time. Just looking dazed and laughing every once in a while.

I spied on them intill I fell asleep in the bush I was hiding in.


I'm sorry this was so short I wanted to update sooooo bad!

But guess what?!?! CHICKEN BUTT!!!! No SRSLY GUISE I REALIZED SOMETHING! I AM A MAJOR PROCRASTINATOR. I always am finishing stuff the night before or delaying updates to do worthless stuff.

And, for anybody who isn't reading free too, MY TEAM GOT SECOND OUT OF SEVEN AT THE CHEER COMPETITION TWO WEEKENDS AGO!!!!! Hooray for New Orleans!

-Julianne xoxo

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