Chapter 21

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AN: this is the end of the super long flashbacks, we will finally get back to real time now.


I woke up on the couch to hear the noise of a microwave beeping in the kitchen. I stayed there for a few minutes, adjusting to the morning, when Ethan walked in with two mugs in his hands.

"April? Are you awake?" He asked.

I sat up and then re-adjusted myself against the arm of the couch. "Yea I'm awake"

"Good, because I made us some hot coco!" He announces happily and hands me one of the red mugs that he was carrying. (Hopefully they have hot chocolate in Ireland :/ if not then they do in Julianne world)

I brought the mug to my lips and tipped it up, taking a sip of the warm liquid. It trickled down my throat and left a warm feeling.

I thank him and take another sip.

"What time is it?" I ask Ethan.

He turns and looks at the clock. "Almost 8 o'clock" I nod.

We sit in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes. I finish my hot chocolate in record time and sit the empty mug down on the table. Ethan loudly clears his throat and makes me jump.

"Ummmm.... April. I need to tell you something" He says. I turn my attention towards him and wait for what he has to say next.

"Well.... It's just that.... Please don't be mad at me...... I think we need to break up"

"What?" I ask. "Why?"

"It just doesn't feel right. I don't really know why. I really love being around you and I love to talk to you, but I just don't really get that 'girlfriend' vibe around you. I really think we need to go back to being best friends, I liked it when we didn't have to act as much as boy and girl rather than friend and friend, if you get what I'm saying" he explains.

I nod my head and wait for him to continue.

"April, I really love you. But as a friend. I always love to help you when you feel horrible and depressed and I love to be there for you when you need someone most. I really hope you feel the same way"

A tear drips from my eye, But it isn't a sad one.

I hug him very tight and he hugs back. "I'm really glad you feel like that. I don't know what I would do without you. But I am fine with being just friends, as long as you are always there for me" I whispered and felt more tears coming on.

We just sat there hugging for what seemed like forever. I couldn't be any more happier then I am. I know that I just got dumped and should feel sad, but right now I am happy. I'm happy that Ethan told the truth. I'm happy that we didn't continue what we both thought we had, but was really not real. I don't know what else I would have done if he hadn't found me that day in the tree.... Our tree.


I sighed.

Both the good and bad memories led up to what I had now.

Niall left for the X-factor and broke up with Tara. Months later I was introduced to Louis. We fell in love. Soon after, I "died".

Even though I went through all of these hardships, I couldn't have asked for my life to turn out any more different then it is now. To others, they would have hated to have my life, without all of the bulling and depression. But I love it.

I felt a smile spreading across my face.

I almost fell out of the tree when I heard Ethan's voice shout "April!"

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