Chapter 20

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~chapter 20~

~~~STILL FLASHBACKING~~~ (there will be one more flash back chapter after this and then we will get back to real time)

-two years later- (they are 16 now)

"YOU ARE WHAT!?!?" I scream and stand up with so much force that the couch almost tips backwards.

"I said that me and Tara are dating now" Niall says from his position in the front doorway. Tara smirks at me and squeezes Niall's hand even more.

"Is there a problem with that?" He asks.

I try my hardest not to freak out on them. "Yes, I do have a problem with that"

"What is your problem with us then?" Niall asks. His face showed pure confusion. For the past years I had been bullied, he had known. But he had never known that it was Tara and her sidekick named Gina.

"I'm sure Tara could explain everything!" I yell and storm right past them and out the front door. I sprint out of our neighborhood and into another. I keep taking breaks so I don't pass out.

I finally arrive at the cozy house that belonged to Ethan's family. I climb over the backyard fence and walk up to the window that was connected to Ethan's room.

I saw him sleeping on his bed.

I slid it open and whispered his name.




He sat up in alarm.

"Hello?" He asked.

"It's April. I really need your help" I whispered.

"Ok, I'll be out in a second" he tells me and pulls on a jacket over his clothes.

He walks over to the window and I help him out. We jump the fence and begin to walk down the sidewalk. He didn't ask any questions. We just walked to the place where we knew that we would be in private.

He grabs my hand and squeezes it to comfort me. I give a light squeeze back.

We finally get to our tree in the park. Ethan helps me up and then climbs up behind me.

He finally breaks the silence.

"What's wrong?"

I sigh and tell him. "Niall and Tara are a couple now"

"You mean your brother Niall? With that bully?" He asks in shock. "What does he see in her?"

"I honestly have no idea. I just know that she will break his heart" I say, remembering Marlene, the girl that used him just so she could get a good grade on a project. (I'm sorry if your name is Marlene, ily)(I'm also sorry if your name is Gina or Tara, beautiful names, ily)

"And I know she is just going to torment me more" I admit.

"Aw April, it will be ok" Ethan assures me and moves to the branch next to me. "We can sort this out" he kisses my cheek.

"So how exactly did they become a 'thing'" he asks.

"I don't really know. Niall just arrived home after a party with her. I can't believe that he would actually go to Gina's party" I tell Ethan.

"Just don't stress about it. I will always be here for you" he tells me and lets me lean my head on his shoulder.

"Thankyou for always being there for me" I tell him.

"It's no problem really. I will always be there for you" he says.

I smile and pull on the locket necklace that Ethan gave me on our first date about a year ago. We were still together and happy. Ethan always encouraged me and talked to me when I needed it. I am so grateful and lucky to have him.

"Thanks" I answer. He pulls me tighter into a hug and we stay there for what seems like hours just enjoying each others presence.

I yawn and finally break the hug. "I'm exhausted"

"Me too, do you want me to walk you home?" Ethan offers.

"I don't think that I can go back there tonight" I answer.

"So then do you want to stay at my place?" He asks.

"That would be awesome!" I say. "Would your parents be fine with it though?"

"They are out of town and they left me in charge of Caden" he says. Caden is Ethan's 10 year-old little brother that is very sweet and funny. He takes after his brother.

"Ok" I say.

"Then lets go" he says and hops down out of the tree.

I fall and let him catch me. I giggle as he Carries me bridal style all the way to his house.

Once we get to his room, he throws a pair of pajamas that I assume are his moms at me. I go into his bathroom and change, leaving my other clothes on the floor.

Once I am done, I walk back into his room and see him waiting there in a t-shirt and shorts.

"I'll sleep on the couch" I tell him and walk into his living room. I see a slight amount of disappointment in his expression. I'm guessing that he was hopeing I would stay with him in his room. But he doesn't object.

He gives me some blankets and a pillow. I arrange then the way I want a then pass out from exhaustion.


Woo. I'm done. I am really tired and tomorrow is Monday and I feel really sick and ugghhghgjjjwkokcmkdksjgnwoqudnfmsoffffffffff. I'm sorry.

I just really feel sick.

Anyways, PLEASE VOTE! That would be Amazing. I appreciate all of the feedback. All of the comments make me smile.

Goodnight, and good luck to the people with school tomorrow.



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