Chapter 10

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Thankyou for all the help! Shoutouts at the end of the chapter!


It had been a week since all of the drama. Zayn was still pouting and not listening to anybody, basically shutting himself out from the outside world. Cassidy began staying with Niall who was still upset.

Of corse, he really started freaking out when he finally snuck out of his house to "talk" to April but got no reply. That it what he gets for going crazy in the head.

I had nothing to do today. We were supposed to record today but with all these problems uncle Simon let us take a break to calm down. I was about to take a nap when my cellphone started ringing. "I love you Louis!" It repeated April's voice from a year ago over and over again.

I had never changed it since the day she hacked my phone. Even when she died a month later.

I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Louis! Niall has gone nuts! He hired a crew to open up April's grave!" Cassidy exclaimed way too fast on the other end.

"But I thought you thought she was alive?" I asked

"At first... But now a doubt it. Niall was just playing with my head"

"Oh" I murmured in agreement.

"Anyways, COME FAST!" She yelled.

Before I could reply, she hung up the phone.

I sighed and began to get dressed. I flung my PJs across the room and combed my hair. As soon as I was ready, I Ran down seven flights of stairs and tried to open my rental car. Then I remembered something. "Idiot!" I exclaimed as I ran back up seven flights of stairs to get my keys.

I grabbed my keys off of the bedside table and then ran back down the stairs.

I better have gained some leg muscles from all that running, I thought to myself

As soon as I got to the symmetry, I saw a huge crane. Niall!!

I ran down the path intil I saw Niall looking impatient, Niall's mum looking frustrated, and Cassidy running towards me. "Louis!"

"Come here" the insisted and grabbed my wrist, dragging me down the path. "Oh my god" I murmured. What the heck was Niall thinking!?!? You aren't supposed to dig somebody up after they are buried!!

"Hey Louis! We are going to save April!" Niall yelled as soon as he saw me.

The crane reached down and pried open the top of the concrete block. Everybody peaked inside to see what was revealed.

I looked in and saw a closed casket, a empty water bottle that a worker must have dropped, and the same room with the mirrors on the walls. I looked over to where Niall was to see his reaction, but he wasn't there.


"NIALL!!! NO!" I yelled as Niall jumped into the cement room.

He landed on his butt right next to April's casket. "APRIL! APRIL NOOOOOO! NONONONONONONNONONONONONOOOOO!" He shrieked and pried the lid open.

Inside was April still in her beautiful dress from a year ago. There was something different about her though.

Louis and Mrs. Horan started to cry. People started to come over to see what was happening. I sighed.

The rest of the one direction came running over. "Guys! You came! Niall has completely lost it!" I yelled and looked over to see Niall pulling April's lifeless body out of the casket. This is a complete mess.

The three boys, Liam, Harry, and Zayn, jumped into the cement room and tried to calm Niall. "Niall put her back!" Liam yelled and pulled at Niall. "Noooo!" He shrieked back.

I couldn't look anymore. This is a complete disaster.



I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was just adjusting to summer. Ahhhhhh summer. My favorite season.

I hope you guys have a wonderful summer vacation! And also, I will try to update more since I have NO SCHOOL!! WOOOOOOOOO!

WHAT TIME IS IT!?! SUMMA TIME! A CELEBRATION!!!! Sorry I just had a high school musical moment.

Here are the promotions for all that helped promote 6 feet down


Karybary with "My Twin Tonlinson" and "My Little Leprechaun"

sweetthang36 with "things that fall" "the fangirls" and "single sound"



SabrinaKeeter with "My Name Is Management" and "Not Quite Legal"


Kaitlyn2300 with "I Will Find Her"

Also big thanks to kaleighsummers for her really nice comment on the last chapter!

If I missed your name or misspelled anything correct me in the comments!

BUH BYE lovelies!

-Julianne :3

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