Chapter 22

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AN: Woah I'm updating! Finally! Sorry for the inconvenience everyone, I've just been super busy! I am finally getting some time to update!



"Were back!" I cheerfully yell. Everybody in the hotel lobby's attention turns to me and Ethan.

"April!" Louis screams and jumps up to hug me. "We were waiting for you!" I laugh.

"Why so exited?" I ask. Without saying a word, he grabs my hand and yanks me forward through hallways. The others eagerly trail close behind us. "Where are we going?" I ask. Louis just turns around and shushes me. "Where is Zayn?" I ask, noticing the absence of Zayn. This time, Louis turns around and shushes even louder.

He leads me to the room that I recognize as Cassidy's room. Why would they be taking me to the place that sparked me to run away?

"Louis..." I say.

He flings open the door and I see almost the same thing as when I left. Cassidy was still in the bed with her eyes closed. Zayn almost threw his phone across the room and had a heart attack when we came in.

"Oh my God you guys scared me half to death!" He yells. I hear Louis snicker a little.

"We have a surprise for you!" Niall speaks up. I turn around and ask him "what?"

I hear the bed behind me creak. I whip around and see Cassidy. But not in her coma, she is sitting up straight and smiling. I run towards the bed and almost crush her in a hug.

"Cassidy!" I scream. This has got to be one of the best feelings in my life. After more than a year, I am finally re-united with my best friend. She also almost crushes me.

"I missed you so much" she whispers and sniffs a little. She was obviously crying. But they were not sad tears, they were happy ones. I started to tear up too. We pulled back from the hug after a minute. She had a huge grin on her face, and I'm pretty sure I had the same.

"We have soooo much catching up to do!"






"... And so I said 'Be chair-ful!'" Cassidy exclaims. We all burst out in laughter at Cassidy's story about her horrible pun. The door suddenly bursts open and a nurse walks into the room.

"Everything alright Miss Livingston?" She asks. Cassidy nods her head. "Just call me Cassidy" she tells the nurse.

"Ok Cassidy, I've got orders from your doctor to tell you that you will be released from the hospital tomorrow if you keep it up" the Nurse informs Cassidy. Everyone's faces light up. Cassidy thanks the nurse before she leaves us.

"Yes!" Cassidy fist pumps."I'll finally get to go home!"

Everyone else starts up a conversation again, but I don't pay attention to it. Instead, I am in deep thought about a lot of things.

The craziness is finally dying down, Niall and I's birthday is in a month, and I finally get some time with my mom and friends. Although life will never be the same, I am still happy to be alive.... Again.

Everything was finally back to normal.



I'm sorry for the short chapter. But I have some happy/sad news!

There will be 1 or two more chapters left of 6 Feet down, and then an epilogue. This has been an amazing adventure so far. But don't be sad; I have another 1D fanfic in the works! It's called "Misplaced"

Just because you guys deserve it, here is the description:

Cecilia is your typical princess from 1000 years ago. Except that a not-so-typical event has turned her life around. One day, after a terrible tornado, she is discovered out on the streets of London, England in 2013. Her discoverer is Niall Horan of one direction. After lots of arguing, the other boys of the band have agreed to take care of her. Now, Cecilia has to learn the ways of the future. How can Cecilia survive in a time where she feels so misplaced?


'Nd dat dere paragraph be a spoiler do all y'all.

Ok what the heck was up with that sentence ^^^

Question of the update:

Who else is anxious for midnight memories to come out?


I love you all, seeya next time!

Remember to vote & tell your friends!

-Julianne :3

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