Smg4: The Fight Inside And Outside

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Inside Manipulative and Normal Smg4's mind

Malhare turns around to see that the door closed by itself. He takes a few steps forward when suddenly he is teleported and sees Manipulative and Normal Smg4 infront of him.

Malhare: Let me guess, I am in a different part of the mind?

Normal Smg4: Yep, welcome to the main part of our brain.

Malhare: *Looks around* Considering you two have alot of horrible things to people I was expecting more here.

Manipulative Smg4: Like we said we don't give a shit about anyone or anything.

Malhare: I'm aware and why were you made from two lightning strikes?

Normal Smg4: Oh, that? *Chuckles* Well we are actually a virus that has secretly infected Luke's computer.

Malhare: *Facepalms* You've got to be kidding me! This is the third arc with a villain that is a virus and two of them have been about Zero.

Manipulative Smg4: Well, we don't care about reusing arc plots and wanna see what we were going to do before you appeared?

Malhare: No.

Manipulative Smg4: Too bad.

Manipulative Smg4 then teleports behind Malhare and puts his hands on his head hurting Malhare's head as he shows the timeline of the "It's Gotta Be Perfect" thing. Once everything was shown manipulative Smg4 gets his hands off his head then teleports back to where he was.

Malhare: Holy crap, you two don't stop making sh*t arcs do you? Because it's just the Genesis arc except Smg4 goes crazy over trying to make the perfect video. But of course at the very end you add a eldritch monster because why not.

Normal Smg4: First off, it's actually not a arc and secondly after the Genesis arc we just gave up trying.

Malhare: *Sarasticly* Sure, I totally believe that and I could tell but I thought the other Smg4 makes the video?

Normal Smg4: Video Smg4 edits and acts for the video while we make the script.

Malhare: Right, why didn't Video Smg4 know about you two?

Manipulative Smg4: Simple, we made Video Smg4's memories come from the videos. So every time a video is published onto Youtube he gets the memories of that video and so does everyone else.

Malhare: What about him editing and acting the video.

Normal Smg4: He does that without even knowing it.

Then the two raise their left hands to the height of their chest then blue strings come out of their gloves holding a wooden puppet that looks like Video Smg4.

Manipulative and Normal Smg4: *Smile evilly* Because he's just a puppet along with everyone.

Suddenly the wooden puppet quickly turns into every single character from Smg4 then they get rid of the wooden puppet and strings.

Malhare: You say that you have got everyone under your control but you haven't mind controlled your own community.

Normal Smg4: Funny that you mention them because for a long time we weren't going to control them but lately they've been saying things we don't like and we're just deciding whether or not to actually do it.

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