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"Hey woman, get me a beer," he commanded between chatting with his mates. It seems he's calmed down from earlier, but he still didn't offer me respect.

"I know you're new around here but I'd be careful what you say red head because if you keep pushing me I won't just stand here like an idiot and take it, either you ask me if I can infact get you what you want or ill make sure you don't get back your deposit" I replied softly with a smile, the man huffed giving me an angry face. Fury burning in his eyes.

"You don't know who you're talking to, ill smack that smile off your face" the man said as he stood up and aproached me, he stood so close I could feel his body heat radiating onto me, he basically pinned me against the wall which was very weird because even though this guy was an asshole he is very attractive, how masculine he is, he rough voice and body language, so to simply put it my feelings were conflicted.

"If I wanted to, i could kill you in a split, but first, I'd make sure to torture you until you were unconcuious. No one gets away with talking to me like that. So if you want to keep your life, you'll make sure not to piss me off, " he spoke deeply, his eyes watching me like I was his prey, I moaned and sighed.

"Look big guy, whatever you're trying to do right now isn't working, I've heard it all before many, many, many, times, but also your way too close to me im getting diggerent vibes. If you wanted to fuck me i dont swing that way..."

As I spoke I could see the man's face grow surprised, maybe because of how calm and collected I am but also at the fact I'm so forward and confident, but that shock slowly turned into rage.

"Plus as I said earlier if you were to listen, this establishment doesn't hire ordinary people, its a bar for criminals and popular ones at that. If you wanna try fighting me you're more than welcome, but I wouldnt attempt it personally. I'm not scared of death, pretty boy. You are pretty im not sure a big rough boy like you deserves those eyes. " I finished offering the man a gentle smile. He just stood there...

"She's feisty," the blonde one commented from his seat. The other two men nodded in agreement.

The red heads face scrunched once more, and his fists balled up. He went to hit me, but I dodged and raised a knife to his throat. A smirk appearing on his face as his blood lust snapped, he tried to grab my arm but I quickly pulled it back and dodged the elbow going for my face, this man had a large metal prosthetic... it looked pretty lethal. I jumped on him, wrapping my things around his neck, then leaning back. He fell back and slammed into the ground as I quickly sat on him and restrained his arms. A groan of anger escaped him as he looked up, seeing a knife centermetes away from his eye.

"I think you have pretty eyes, so I'd rather not. You're quite handsome." I spoke with a gentle smile, I leaned down placing the knife on his neck so I can get a better look at him, "I like your lipstick" I said getting off of him and stretching. The man got up and hovered over me like a demon.

"Im going to kill you," he growled as he reached out and gripped my neck. A short gasp left me, "This... is kinda... hot, " I said, causing a few chuckles from his friends.

I slowly reached for his chest, gliding my hands over his abs. "But i told you i dont swing that way, though for you i might make an exception." a blush crossed his face as he shoved me away. I regained my composure and smiled.

"You're a firey one I'll give you that," he spoke deeply as he glared at me. I smiled at him and nodded, "Still gonna kill me?" I asked, and the man huffed. "Yeah, unless you get me a beer." He basically forced out through gritted teeth, I smiled and walked over to him and poked his chest... well, I glided my hand across it, a blush visible on the mans face.

"Since you're being so cute right now, sure ill go get you one. You're an asshole but theirs a certain perk about you that intruiges me," I reposnded happily. Kid huffed and looked away.

"Any of you other boys want anything?" I said, diverting my gaze to the other men sat staring at us.

I could feel his eyes on me, watching me. I can't even imagine what's going through his mind at this moment. It's true mihawk said to be careful with him, but I'm pretty sure I've caught his interest, so I doubt he'd harm me now.

As I left the room, he didn't say a word.


Once I returned, everyone was sitting down talking, i placed the tray on the table and passed the drinks around, the red head watching my every move. When I glanced at him, he looked away, but it was too obvious.

"What is it?" I asked him, he looked at me and sighed with frustration showing since I caught him out, "That scar on your arm, " he spoke grumpily. I hummed, looking at what he was talking about.

"I got myself into a fight a year ago, the fella whipped out a knife and tried stabbing me, I used my arm as a sheild and it got stuck so i pulled it out and stabbed the guy." I spoke remembering the event.

Kid hummed as he took my hand roughly and inspected my arm, I didn't know what to do or say, I just stood there surprised. "I wanted to see if it went all the way through," he spoke.

I nodded, "Luckily, it missed the major arteries or whatever, but you know... what about your scars?" I asked curiously. The man glanced at me and sighed.

"Fighting..." he replied, I hummed, sitting down beside him, taking his arm and inspecting his large scratch like scars. "You're really strong," I replied. He chuckled a little as he watched me, "You're a weird woman," he said quietly.

"Yeah, I've been told. You're a weird guy yourself, " I responded, and he huffed. "Whats your name?" He questioned.

"y/n" I spoke with a gentle smile, I could feel his eyes watching me, his strangely pretty amber eyes.

"And you're Kid," I said, and he sighed. "That's me."

How his tone and body language changed, he wanted to kill me, and now he's curious. "Do you play, Pool?" I asked. His non-existent brow raised at me. I sighed and stood up, walking towards large curtains, pulling them back to reveal an extended room with a pool table, poker table, and darts board. "Even more surprises, come on," I said. He huffed at me. Not budging. I sighed.

"Hey, big blue boy, do you wanna play?" I asked the melancholic looking man. He glanced around and stood up. "Sure."

"Fine," I heard the red head say. He got up and nodded to his other mates to follow.

"How about 2 v 2?" Asked Killer. I smiled. "Awh does pretty boy need help?" I spoke. Kid got angry and slammed the balls on the table. I looked over to see him frustrated.

"We're just bored. How about Kid being on your team, then?" The blonde spoke. I smirked. "I don't think he could handle my skill," I responded playfully. Kid huffed and sat he'd the cue off the wall. "For such a little brat, you have big words," he said angrily. I smiled.

"That cue looks tiny in your hands, but you're used to that, right?" I said, implying something. He was seething. "What are you trying to say?" He gritted. I hummed. "I'll break."

I walked over to the wall, taking a cue and lining it up in the table, bending over, getting a better view. Then I shot, breaking the balls, potting 2. "Well be, Red. Obviously." I said. The game went on for a short while. Every time Kid would play, I'd hovered under him, offering him words of wisdom, which he'd get super annoyed. "You can do this, big guy. Just hit it a little to the left." I said, nudging him. He glared at me, and his hands tensed. Clearly thunking about whacking me. "I swear to god, I'm gonna kill you," he whispered.

After the game ended kid stood their silent.

"Where did you learn to play like that?" asked blue boy. I smiled and put the cue back in the wall. "I've been here for years. You pick it up, " I explained. "Why do you work here?"


"Doesn't matter, I'm leaving soon."

Blood Red (Eustass kid x reader AU)Where stories live. Discover now