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I sighed as I walked down the hall trying to find mihawk, I wondered where he'd be.... I mean parties aren't his thing but he's making a good deal of money renting his castle out for parties is great buuissness without even lifung a finger. I walked around some people who were doing questionable things, I quickly ran over to the vase that was falling to the ground catching it before it smashed.

This sucks... how does mihawk deal with this stuff normally? I placed the vase in the cupboard alittle down the hall, having to kick out some drunken idiots making out in there, locking the door behind me. I carried on walking down the hall till I reached the ball room, or now used as just a party room.

It was hard because mihawks office was on the other side of the ball room down the hallway to the left up the stairs to the right. So getting their with all this crowd is gonna be a challenge.

I walked and squished my way through drunk party goers, a few trying to get me to dance, a few hitting on me, and a few completely not registering I was their and knocking into me. I tried my best to ignore it, they are drunk after all, but it was still super annoying.

Once I got to the other side and exited to the hall I took a deep breath, a sigh of relief. I started walking down the hall, kept going... long hallway... to the left....

"I thought I'd find you here" spoke a voice, I smiled hearing his voice turning to face the man. "RED HEAD!" I cheered walking over to the man, "well what do we have here are you stalking me now?" I asked him as I stood infront of him, peering up to see his eyes.

"I guess so" he spoke deeply his eyes watching me, a slight pink tint on his face, "are you drunk?" I asked the big guy, he huffed. "Not yet" was all he replied as he slouched against the wall chugging his beer.

I walked over to him getting closer, on my tip toes eyeing him, "you look alittle drunk", he tsked. "And you're not? Its a party" he said, I shrugged my shoulders. "Alittle, maybe..." I spoke playfully. Kid sighed.

"You really are weird," he replied, I hummed.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked the man, his eyebrow raised watching me. "Why, what's it got to do with you?" He questioned, I sighedddd, "just making conversation, " I replied grumpily. Kid huffed and looked away. "Shit.." he said as he began to walk away, "What's up?" I asked, and he glared at me.

"Your shitty ass brother is over there," Kid replied, glancing toward Luffy, who was there with zoro and sanji. I sighed and grabbed Kids hand. "Come with me," I said, pulling him along the corridor.

His friend whistled at him as he passed them and walked off with me. He shot them death glares. "Where are we going?" He asked me. I glanced at him then forward, "You'll see." I spoke, walking down the hall and taking a right. He stayed silent, though I could feel his eyes on me.

"You're pretty short," he said, and I hummed, "Sorry, big guy, I can't magically grow."

"I didn't ask you too short stop," he responded angrily, and I glared at him, "Im playing nice, and this is how you treat me," I replied he chuckled. "This is nice? Walking down a hall?".

I stopped in my tracks and turned to him, inches from his face, "You ungrateful asshole," I said playfully as I peered into his eyes. He stared back aggressively. "Why are you doing this anyway? It's your brother after all," he added, and I sighed, "Because he's too much for me right now. You oi know how Luffy is. A handful"

I sighed, turning away to the left, opening a door, "this way."

After a short walk, we finally arrived, a beautiful glass door, I unlocked it with the key i had around my neck. This was a gift from Mihawk a few weeks back. He noticed I'd spend a lot of time here, so he gave me the key to have permanently.

"In here" I said taking the man's hand again and gently pulling him into the room, it was a beautiful HUGE greenhouse decorated with pretty flowers and plants, kid looked around alittle surprised but didn't care much.

"I guess it's.. nice, " he said, uninterested. I huffed, pouting at his reaction, "Hey, I did this all myself, you know!" I spoke a little hurt. The kid chuckled and took another look around, "it's nice, " he repeated. "It's warm," he commented, glancing at me. "well yeah its a greenhouse it's supposed to be," I replied a little happier.

I walked him over to a bench and sat him down, "now look up" I spoke, and he did, seeing a beautiful glass ceiling viewing the many stars in the sky scattered across the plain. "Stars... what about them? " he said, I huffed, hitting his shoulder.

"You're literally the worst," I complained, sitting beside him, "you have no taste."

He tsked, "I have taste you bastard this is just boring" he spoke and I poked him, or atleast I tried he grabbed my wrist yanking it causing me to fall into his side, "careful! you idiot.." was all I said, he sighed. "Like you then."

Once i got my wrist back, i didn't move, infact I stayed cuddled into his side, taking his warmth. He didn't seem to care much.

"Y/n." He said, and I hummed, "You're an interesting woman. "

"You're not so bad yourself" kid huffed and poked me, i got up and glared at the man, "dont get any closer or I might have to kiss you" he said, using my own words against me, I huffed.

"I hope thats a warning" I spoke inching closer, Kid cupped my cheek pulling me into a rough kiss, my lips melting in his, he pulled me up onto his lap as he deepened the kiss, my hands explored his chest feeling his muscles, up to his neck down his arm, then back up to his shoulder. When he finally broke the kiss, it was only for a moment before his lips smashed into mine again, his hand feeling my curves. I ran my fingers through his hair, under the strap of his goggles and then down his jaw. He twisted and leaned me down onto the bench hiverung over me.

Why was I making out with this guy? Hell, if I knew, but I wasn't going to regret it, too drunk to care.

When he finally broke the kiss, his forehead rested on mine, "You're gonna break." He spoke devilishly, a smirk appearing on my face.

"You underestimate me," I replied with the same energy. He hummed, "Maybe I'll find out, maybe not."

"I hope you do"

Blood Red (Eustass kid x reader AU)Where stories live. Discover now