Where am I?

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Olivia's POV

I am currently hiding under the table with Charlotte. Why? You may be asking? Well, it all started the day after the trip to the beach. We somehow woke up in our beds without a memory of walking into the house.

--This morning--

I just finished brushing my teeth and now I was going downstairs to join the rest of my family, who was laughing at my dad's joke, for breakfast.

"Morning, guys!" I smiled.

A chorus of good mornings was thrown at me which made my smile somehow bigger. I sat down and started eating and talking to my sister. We spoke about what school would be like after the break, and what that explosion was yesterday.

A knock at the door interrupted our meal and my dad stood up to open the door.

"Who is i-" Before he could finish his question, he was shot in the chest by a ray of light.

"Agh!" My mom, sister and I screamed in unison.

A bunch of people in white suits, black gloves, and weird masks barged into our house. Three of them carried my dad away, while the rest ran toward us.

"Olivia! Charlotte! Run!" My mom screamed as she grabbed us and ran up to her and Dad's room.

As we approached the entrance of her room, she pushed us in and slammed the door shut.

"Mom!" I cried, "What are you doing? Come in with us!"

"I told you, Olivia," she whispered, "Your life before anyone else's."

And with that, i saw a flash of white light through the crack of the door. My mother and father were dead.

The white suite men were ramming into the door.

"Olivia! What do we do? I'm scared.." panicked Charlotte.

The door was breaking, and we had no time to jump out the window that was over our parent's bed. Plus, that was too high of a jump, it would kill us. I started moving in circles, trying to find an appropriate place to hide my sister and myself. I saw a closet, the door was cracked. I made my way over to it, and fortunately, it was unlocked so there was a way to get in. I grabbed my sister and pushed her under the table that was in the corner.

Right, when I slammed the closet door shut, the bedroom door opened. About ten people barged into the room, knocking over things and breaking pictures and decorations. Ruining the neat bed, breaking furniture, and looking for us.

One man made his way over to the closet and yanked it open. He didn't see us yet, so they began tearing down clothing. He moved closer to us until he finally bumped into the table which caused Charlotte to let out a squeak of terror. I couldn't see the man's face because his head of covered in a scary mask, but for some reason... I could tell he was smirking.

-- Present Time --

"I found the children!" He informed the others.

"Charlotte, run!" I yelled as we both scrambled to get up.

We almost made it to the door, but somebody grabbed me by the hair and my sister by the arm. We were struggling to get free.

"We got 'em, boss," someone called out.

A pale, bald man, wearing a long gray overcoat and a patterned vest with frills stepped into the room, with a sinister smile aimed at me.

"Ah," he began, "Charlotte and..." He paused in front of me as I struggled against the grip of the person holding me, "Olivia Grey."

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