Chapter 33 - I'm planning to win this competition!

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Xuan Luo Wan's POV
After the glaring light died down, I surveyed our new surroundings. The alternate dimension was in the form of the Royal Academy. We were currently at the school cafeteria. I hurriedly counted heads to ensure that everyone was accounted for.

"Since we need to also protect our flag, why don't we let Xiao Wan hold on to it?" one of the guys suggested.

I shook my head, "That's too predictable. Since it's usually the strongest person to protect the flag, they would have expected me to hold on to it. They would probably send multiple people after me."

"But if we give it to the weakest person, it would be easy for others to steal," another girl said.

"Shit! Then what do we do?" another guy started to panic.

I shrugged, "Then we just let our flag get stolen."

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"The main goal is to steal the most flags. Not to protect our flag from others. Look, we're already known as the weakest class out of the bunch. Many groups will probably choose to go for us first since we're the easiest target. It doesn't matter how well we protect it since we won't be able to defend against everyone. But if we let it get stolen, we won't be seen as a threat and they will let down their guards around us. We can use this chance to swoop in and steal everyone's flags. Having nothing to protect also makes us less predictable," I explained patiently.

"What if we can't steal a flag within 30 mins?" one of the girls asked worriedly.

I grinned, "Then we just have to make sure that we can. Anyway, we have been practising catching for so long. All of us are probably physically stronger than them. Our magic abilities are also much stronger now. So don't think about how to not lose. We need to start thinking about how to win."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. In this game, everyone's stats would be boosted based on the chess pieces they represent. A King piece would have all their stats boosted and also has the ability to grant promotion to Pawns. A Queen piece would have the stats of a Bishop, Knight and Rook. Bishops would have increased mana pool and enhanced magic powers. Knights have enhanced speed and reflex. Rooks have enhanced strength and endurance. Pawns could be promoted to Rooks, Knights and Bishops respectively based on the number of flags that we stole. We decided to split ourselves into 4 smaller teams. Since Pawns were the weakest before we started stealing any flags, they were paired with the Queen. Each Bishop, Knight and Rook would form a team. I would be going alone since I'm strong enough to deal with most inexperienced peerages on my own. I appointed a leader in each of the mini teams and handed them an in-ear communication device. After discussing which peerage each team was going to target, we dispersed. Before leaving, we also left our team flag on a table.

Within 10 mins, the system announced that our peerage's flag was stolen and showed the 30 mins countdown. As expected, after our class's flag was stolen, every peerage let their guards down. I specifically told everyone to wait for my signal before engaging. I used a 3rd level searching magic, Aqua Inspection, to scout the area. When their target groups' main force left, I signal to them to engage. After stealing their flags, I instructed them to just run and stall for 30 mins to eliminate the other classes. While they were running, I provided them with intel on where other enemies were so they could avoid direct confrontation. I mean, call me a party pooper, but I don't like to leave competitors just to make the competition more 'interesting'. Pretty soon, 3 classes were eliminated. There was only 1 class remaining. They must have heard the system announced the elimination of 3 other classes, so they decided to hole up.

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