Chapter 75 - She's interesting.

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Xuan Yi Ling's POV
After our group of guests left, Yi Xian asked Grandpa, "Grandpa, why did you allow those lowlifes to stay in our mansion??? I don't trust them. They definitely have a purpose for coming here!"

Grandpa chuckled, "It's precisely because I don't trust them. That's why I want to keep them in a place where I can keep tabs on them. Xiao Ling, what do you think about them?"

I tapped on my chin as my thoughts went back to the interesting new cousin of mine.

"I don't know about the rest, but Luo Qing is dangerous," I replied.

Yi Xian huffed, "Sister, you overestimated her capabilities. She's just an arrogant brat that doesn't know her place!"

I chuckled when I heard my prideful sister calling another person arrogant.

Grandpa also nodded, "I agree with Xiao Ling. She's able to stop your soul-eating weapon using her bare hand. It's impossible for any mere human to do that."

I added, "Anyway, didn't you notice how her voice seems to be different at times? 1 of her pupils was also abnormally constricted. She seems to have a split personality. It's her other personality that's dangerous. After all, that personality is able to stop your soul-eating weapon."

"Whatever the case is, now that they are staying here, make sure to keep a watchful eye on them. Especially that Luo Qing girl. If they have any strange movements, report to me immediately."

Both Yi Xian and I nodded before we left the room. While walking along the corridor, my head was still occupied with that particular cousin. Out of all the people I met, she was the most interesting one. Despite us being affiliated to the Gods, she doesn't seem to fear us at all. In fact, it's obvious that she hated us. Especially when she talked about our Gods. There was a hint of disgust in her tone when she referred to them. I was curious about why she hated them. I'm pretty sure the Gods have never appeared in front of her before since they were pretty reclusive. So how could she hate someone whom she had never even met before?

You might be wondering why I'm pretty light-hearted towards a heretic. That's because unlike my grandpa and sister, I'm not a strong believer of our Gods. Sounds like heresy but you can't really blame me. After all, those Gods have never shown themselves to us before. Even though there's a tradition that the person who contributed the most during the demon subjugation event could request an audience with them, they have never accepted any of those requests. So of course I would never believe in some faceless entities that were too cowardly to show their faces to their believers. And I'm not the kind of person who believes that there exist people who are purely altruistic, only thinking of others' well-being. Call me a pessimist but I firmly believe that everyone is selfish. People only do things that benefit themselves. If they ever helped someone else, it only meant that they could stand to gain something from doing so. This isn't being a pessimist. It's called being a realist.

"Sister, are you listening to me?"

Yi Xian's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I was a bit distracted. What did you just say?" I asked.

Yi Xian raised an eyebrow, "I just asked if you want to have a mock duel with me. What's wrong with you? I've never seen you that absent-minded before."

I smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I was just thinking about our guests."

When I brought them up, Yi Xian huffed, "What's so interesting about that group of lowlifes? They're just a bunch of shameless people that want to associate themselves with our Xuan family."

I laughed and teased her, "Why does our Xiao Xian seem to dislike them so much? Is it because of Luo Qing?"

Yi Xian rolled her eyes and countered, "Why do you keep mentioning that brat??? You seem awfully interested in her."

I smiled, "Well, I am. After all, she's interesting. I have never seen someone act so brazenly in front of Grandpa before."

Yi Xian huffed, "And that's why I don't like her. She's just a useless human and yet she dares to act so pridefully in front of us demigods! She doesn't even know her place. Anyway, let's not talk about them. I want to have a mock duel with you."

I laughed, "Hahaha. Okay, okay. Let's go then."

Over the next 2 days, I noticed Luo Qing always following around her group of friends. This made it quite difficult for me to find some alone time between us. To make matters worse, whenever I do find the opportunity to talk to her, she would always find some lame excuse to leave. It's pretty obvious she doesn't trust us at all. This made me even more intrigued about her. After all, not only does she hate the Gods whom she had never met before, she's also overly-paranoid about people whom she had never interacted with before. I was very sure she has some kind of secret that she's hiding from everyone, including her own friends. This just made me even more tempted to dig out all her little secrets. I won't let such an interesting person escape from my grasp.

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