Chapter 52 - You're nothing but a sorry excuse for a monster.

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Xuan Luo Qing's POV
Urghhh... Where am I? Why is it so dark? Am I dead? What's with this burning smell???

I opened my eyes to find that I'm back at the all-too-familiar burning house. This time, the dream didn't start back in the burning room but in the living room filled with corpses instead.

Why the freak am I still having this goddamn dream even when I'm dead???

I remembered the creepy corpse grabbing my ankle so you bet your ass I'm staying clear of that area. I don't need to be scared shitless by the same corpse again.

"I found you~" the same old eerie voice sounded.

I was pretty pissed and pointed my middle finger in the air, "Fuck you! Get out of my freaking head!"

The ground opened up to swallow me as usual but instead of me waking up from the dream, since I can't, being all dead and that, I was trapped in an empty black space. There was nothing in sight, just endless darkness and emptiness.

Don't tell me I will be forever trapped in here...

As I suspected, I was trapped in this hollow space with nothing interesting going on. Haizzz... If this was a new torture method, then I had to admit, this was mind-numbingly torturous. I would rather my consciousness just evaporate instead of being trapped here with nothing to do. During the spare time I had, I thought through a lot of things. I was worrying about Sister Ahri. I wanted to know what happened to her. Whether she was safe from that bastard. I also worried a lot about Xiao Wan. She had always been following me around ever since she's young. We have never been separated for more than a week. I didn't want her to feel too sad about me. But most of all, I'm worried about Mom. She had always been very protective towards us. Especially me. She would always overreact whenever I hurt myself. No matter how small the injury was, she would always get down to the bottom of the matter. If it were some douchebag that hurt me, she would make sure he wished he never met me. She would probably be devastated from my death. That's the 1 thing I hated about my death. It created so much unnecessary distress for the people around me.

Occasionally, I would hear people's voices. I just brush it off as a side effect of my mind slowly becoming insane from the mind-numbing boredom. At least those voices brought some form of entertainment to me. Sometimes, I would hear my classmates talking to me about what they learnt and how much their magic has improved. My senior sisters would also talk about how their 18-year-old debut was coming up and that I must wake up in time to make it. I chuckled at those words. I mean, how am I supposed to make it to their debut if I'm dead? I would also hear Aunt Irene and Aunt Julia's voices too. Aunt Irene would always call me an irresponsible brat for making everyone worried about me while Aunt Julia would tell me all the new baking recipes that she had learnt. She told me to hurry up and recover so that she could show me her new skills. Then, there was Mr Lanore and Mrs Seria. Mr Lanore would always huff and complain that I made Sister Ahri sad again and that if I don't wake up anytime soon, I don't deserve to be with her. This would always make me confused as heck.

Why the hell did he make it sound like both of us are dating???

Mrs Seria would also say that if I don't wake up, Sister Ahri might be snatched away by other potential suitors. Now this made me kinda mad. I didn't like the idea of seeing Sister next to other people. If she were to marry someone else, then my time with her would definitely be reduced. I didn't want that. I want to spend more time with her. I could also hear the voices of Mom and Xiao Wan. They would always ask about my well-being and talk about other mundane things like what they did for the day. I always enjoyed listening to them talk about how their day went. But the voice that I heard the most was Sister Ahri's. At first, I could always hear her breaking down and crying. It would shatter my heart each time she did that. I didn't like to hear her cry. I want her to always be happy. Luckily, as the time went on, she stopped breaking down and became more calm and hopeful. She would start telling me what the weather was like and how the peach blossoms back at her home had bloomed. She told me that once I wake up, she would bring me to see the peach blossoms. She also talked about what she learnt in school. No matter how mundane it was, I still listened attentively. I like to hear her voice. It has a calming and soothing effect on me. It helped to ease the loneliness in this empty space. Then I heard her say that she had something to tell me the moment I woke up. It got me intrigued. I wanted to know what she had to say. I wanted her to say it now. But annoyingly, she never brought up that matter again.

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