Chapter 43 - Have you thought of what present to give to Ahri?

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Xuan Luo Qing's POV
Wow... I didn't expect Sister Ahri to be that powerful.

I mean, I always knew she has strong magic abilities but I didn't think it would be that powerful. With her in the peerage, it's no wonder Senior Alice's newly-formed peerage was able to reach grade C within a few years.

During the evening, Xiao Wan and I were relaxing back in our hotel room.

Suddenly, Xiao Wan asked, "Sister, have you thought about how to celebrate Sister Ahri's birthday?"

She was referring to Sister Ahri's upcoming birthday. During our visit to her home, Mrs Seria has repeatedly reminded me about Sister's birthday.

I scratched my head and sighed, "I don't know. I've been thinking about it for the past few days."

This was the first time I've celebrated a birthday with someone that isn't part of my family. When it comes to Mom and Xiao Wan, I'm very clear about their likes and dislikes so it isn't very difficult to plan out what to do and what presents to give. But this time, it was Sister Ahri's birthday. I might have known her for almost a year now, but I'm still not sure about what she likes.

What if I get her something that she hates...

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I quickly got up and opened the door. It was Sister Ahri's friends.

I asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Senior Sister Kai'Sa explained, "It's about Ahri's birthday."

I nodded and let them in before closing the door.

Senior Sister Akali sat down on the couch and asked, "Have you thought of what present to give to Ahri?"

Both Xiao Wan and I shook my head.

I sighed, "I don't know anything about what she likes or dislikes. What if I get her a wrong gift?"

Senior Evelynn chuckled, "You worry too much. As long as it's a gift from you, Ahri will like it."

I cocked my eyebrows in disbelief, "Really?"

Senior Evelynn nodded, "Yep. You can buy anything you feel Ahri will like. What we came to discuss is how to celebrate her birthday. How did the both of you usually celebrate birthdays?"

Xiao Wan scratched her chin thoughtfully, "Hmmm... Whenever it's our birthday, we usually just spend the day together. Going out shopping, going to the amusement park, anything really. Then we will eat a birthday dinner at night."

Senior Seraphine clapped her hands, "That's perfect. Luo Qing can spend the day with Ahri at the amusement park while all of us secretly prepare a birthday celebration for when she comes back."

I frowned, "I'm fine with that. But are you sure Sister Ahri would enjoy going to the amusement park? I thought she prefers places that are quieter."

"Don't worry. She will like it. After all, it's you who will be spending time with her. Of course she will like it," Senior Alice assures me.

??? And what the hell does that mean?

Before I could ask her what she meant, Senior Evelynn reminded me, "Since the both of you haven't bought a gift yet, you should spend the time tomorrow to look for what to buy. Ahri finished her first segment of the competition early so she won't be competing tomorrow. You don't have to come and watch."

I nodded, "I heard that there's an auction tomorrow. Xiao Wan and I can go there to take a look."

After confirming our plans, our senior sisters got up to leave.

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