Chapter 56 - Father really changed.

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Yu Ru Yi's POV
I was busy talking to Piltover's King and Queen. They were actually quite approachable and friendly. Most importantly, they were not trying to use my babies for their own benefits. They were just curious and wanted to know more about us. Since they approached me with friendly intentions, there was no need to be too on guard against them, so I started to talk a little bit about our family. While we were chatting away, Noxus's King and Duke tried to get into our conversation. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at them. I had heard about their shamelessness from my daughters but I didn't expect them to be THAT shameless.

The father of that little bastard tried to act friendly with me, "Ah. You must be Ms Yu Ru Yi. I see that the rumours really failed to capture your true beauty."

"Thanks for the compliment," I replied sarcastically.

The little bastard glared at me, "How dare a mere commoner woman like you talk to us nobles like that! You should be thankful that we even bother to acknowledge your presence! You're just as uncultured as your bitch daughter."

I could feel my blood pressure rising and I flashed a menacing smile at him. Everyone was looking at him in horror while I was just thinking about how I should teach him a lesson.

Should I just tear his disgusting mouth apart?

His father tried to get him to shut up as he apologised to me, "I'm so sorry, Ms Yu. I did not teach my son proper manners. I hope you were not offended by him. He's just too childish—"

I interrupted him, "Do you want to die?"

The little bastard started shivering when he felt my killing intent. I was using my magic to exert pressure on him. His legs started quivering as he stared at me in fear.

His father immediately slapped that little brat while apologising to me repeatedly, "I'm very sorry, Ms Yu. Please forgive my son. He's not very clear-headed. Please have mercy."

The Queen of Piltover cleared her throat and tried to ease the tension, "Ms Yu, I think we should just drop this issue, seeing as their son is not very educated. Anyway, we should start preparing to go to the other side soon."

I nodded and asked, "What's the world called?"

"Yggdrasil," the Piltover King replied.

When I heard that name, my breath hitched.

Wait! We're going to THAT place???

The Piltover Queen noticed my strange reaction and asked, "Why? Is something wrong? Do you know that place?"

I gave a dry smile, "Somewhat. It's a bit complicated to explain now. You will know when you get there."

All of them looked at me in shock before nodding.

The Piltover King then announced, "Distinguished guests, since all of you are here, we will open the warp gates now."

My mind was in a mess. I didn't know what to think of it. It has been so long since I left that place. Truthfully, I was a little afraid to return there. I don't even know what to say to my parents and siblings. I don't even know if they wanted to see me again. It was at this moment that I wished Kai Rui was still alive. I wished that he could be right beside me to give me moral support. To give me courage like he used to. But he wasn't, so I had to be brave for my daughters. I suddenly felt a warm hand holding onto mine. I turned to look at Qing Qing. She was smiling reassuringly while giving my hand a light squeeze.

I smiled.

Yes. It doesn't matter whether they accept me or not. I have Qing Qing and Xiao Wan with me. I will do anything to protect my daughters.

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