Chapter 5

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       (If their is any Italic  way of writing then it means that it the thoughts that come in the characters mind which they want to express but they can't express it  )                      

                                                     After shifting to his old room ,Lan xichen didn't saw much difference in it and the room was as neat and clean as it was before he went into seclusion .He wasn't feeling motivated to continue his work as a sect leader , even though many times his uncle came to visit him and make him understand but how can he not feel any guilt when because of him A-yao and Da-ge was dead , Do he even has a right to be called as a sect leader when he can't even find that A-yao was the one who plan to kill Da-ge and he blindly trusted him, Do he even deserve the name of Zewujun , he now doubts his own capabilities . To avoid any further thoughts he locked himself in his  room and started his meditation to clean his mind. 

A few minutes later ..............

                     He heard a knock on his door , and a voice which he wasn't expecting ,even though the voice was sharp and loud enough to be heard by him ,he still hesitated to answer the other and wished him to think that he(lanxichen) was in sleep and not to disturb him any further , but then again he heard a knock and then came the silence "Sect Leader Lan"

                   Jiang cheng was getting frustrated because he was standing out of the close door and was knocking at the door and was expecting some question or any word but nothing came , the surrounding was as silent like their is no one who live here . He thought that he would have a talk with the other and ask him about his health and just leave from here but it seems like the other didn't want to talk to him and was insulting him ;(is he insulting  me a sect leader , do he even know who I am even though he is not in a state to listen some one but I am not here to have a chit-chat with him I would have just apologize and leave from here ,is he looking down on me isn't their any rule that say's as to not look down on anyone or not to judge anyone ,how rude but he was not like that before but he is the brother of the ice block so it would be natural to think that his attitude will be  just like the ice block ), his thoughts were getting more and more intense and his eyebrow is getting more deeper than before .  

                               But then he heard a voice "Hey ,Jiang cheng ,what are you doing here ? Did you came here to meet Zewujun" weiwuxian asked him with a smile on his face and try to start a conversation between them but then again the timing is wrong ."what do you want ?and didn't I told you before that I am not interested in talking to you so  what part of it you  didn't understand and what do you want to prove now ,HUH..." and then again when Jiang cheng looked at wei wuxian he know he fucked up again but he can't help it ' who told him to come at wrong timing and ask him question when he is not in the mood of talking ' he wanted  to tell him something but this ice block came in between them and looked at him ' if eyes could kill can he (Jiang cheng ) would have been died on the spots ' this is what he can sense from the aura of the ice block that was standing in between him and that idiot , what does this ice block think that he can scared me when he has done nothing , in his dream he is not a coward person who will run showing his back so he also stared back to the ice block eyes with a deep frown and the begin for a quite few minute. 

  WeiWuxian POV

What the hell they were doing Huh ? ,'this two really makes me worried , even a idiot can  tell that they want to kill each other with their eyes as if the eyes can kill then they both will be dead by now'. I have to do something and divert their attention or else that oldman will surely cancel my wedding with Lanzhan , Oh yes ! , he came to the beside of his Lanzhan's and started to rub his hand over his shoulder to divert his attention and guess what ,it worked like miracle ,and looked at Jiang cheng  "Hey , you two must be siblings from your previous life " ptff ...I looked at both of them and want to laugh out loud as both give a disgusting look at each other and turned their face , "I would have said as  for A-cheng, I know you must be busy and will have lot's of work for the upcoming month , so that's why I was shocked to see you here , I didn't meant to hurt you ... ha ha ha ... you know right  ",I can see the frown his face  "Whatever , now leave and let me go " the said person said that and wanted to leave , but I won't leave him as I have many things to say "A-cheng , will you be able come to my wedding which is on next week as till now we didn't send any invitation card to anyone and we were thinking to invite to those who are close to us ,so if you attend our wedding then I will be happy." 

 Jiang Cheng 

                                Am I hearing it right ? that  idiot is going to marry the ice block , even though I had guessed it from the very beginning and prepare it for the day but why does it still feel like  its an idiotic decision and what  is so good in the ice block that he wants to marry him then again who am I, "So , if this makes you leave to leave me alone then it is a God Dam Yes and as Sect leader I can't even refuse it as , Grand master Lan had already inform me about it. so he bowed"so I will take my leave now " and looked at the door for the last time and left as fast as possible ,but somewhere in his heart he still feel the disappointment and unimportant , so he went to his sect and got into his aloof room and dig into his pile of work .


So here I am again your one and only😎 lazy author with the new chapter and hope so I will write the wedding scene of Wangxian  in the next chapter and our Xicheng character will also develop Hope so it will develop in a positive way rather the other way around so stay tuned 😁!!!!!!!!!! , if their is still something that you want to ask or want to tell me just let me know 

As a reader(which I was😅 before starting to write and still I am) you expect some good chapters and also have some expectation from your author /writer so if I meet your expectation just vote for the chapter😎😏🤗Hope so I met with your expectation and if you still think that the update is slow then yes it is as currently their are exams which is going on so I am a bit busy and Lastly , see you all in the next chapter 

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