We Found Her

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Julie's pov

"So, Luke, how did you die?" One of my aunt's asks him, making Luke freeze as I cover my face with my hands before hearing Alex and Reggie start choking on their drinks.

"Tia," I groan before looking up and seeing everyone looking at us with their mouths full of turkey.

Luke clears his throat and takes a sip of his water before answering her question. "Food poisoning. Guess eating hot dogs out of car isn't the smartest idea," he says, smiling nicely at them.

"And the same for you too?" My aunt asks, looking between Alex and Reggie as they nod in response.

"Camila, how about you stop interrogating my son and his friends," Mitch says, dropping his fork and looking over to her.

She puts her hands up in surrender but then shrugs. "I'm just trying to understand how they're here and where the blonde one is."

We look at Alex but then remember that she means the other blonde. Alex clears his throat and rubs his forehead before sighing and looking back up at the table. "I would love to tell you where she is but I can't. What I can tell you is that she was amazing, and brave, and all I could've asked for in a sister," he says, his voice calm while he sends a deadly glare to my aunt. I put my hand on his leg, stopping it from bouncing up and down, sensing that he's upset. His leg stops bouncing and he grabs my hand as he takes a deep breath. "I would love to have her back, but unless by some miracle we find where she went, I can't."

"You actually can," Reggie says, making us all look over to him quickly.

"Reggie," Luke says, his voice deep, almost like a warning.

"Luke, what is he talking about?" Alex, Emily, and I ask in unison.

"We found her," Reggie points out, smiling softly, as if he's trying to hide it.

"Reggie," Luke says more harshly than the last time.

"We found where the club is going to be and what dates," he says, now shaking with excitement.

Alex and I look at each other, both of our eyes filled with hope and also shock. "Reg, can I talk outside please?" Luke says, standing up before grabbing Reggie's collar and dragging him out the front door before slamming it closed.

Alex and I look at each other again before nodding and standing up from our seats. "Mija, where are you going?" My dad asks as he and the others stare at us.

I let go of Alex's hand and kiss my dad on the cheek before grabbing the door handle. "Sorry, Papi, I- this is something I need to deal with," I say before grabbing Alex's hand and dragging him out of the house and into the studio where I assume they went. When we walk in I would expect to see Luke and Reggie fighting but instead we walk into an empty studio that hasn't been touched since this afternoon.

I turn around in a circle, hoping that one of them will jump out from behind something. When nothing happens Alex immediately bolts for the drive way and I follow suit but then we both stop when I see Luke in the driver's seat of the car pulling out of the driveway. I scream his name but he doesn't stop. I run after him and manage to get my hands wrapped around one of the door handles. I try to yank it open with everything in my body while trying to run beside the car. Luke stops for a minute but only because he's putting the car in drive. I run in front of the car and place my hands on the hood, trying to stop him from leaving. I stare at him through the windshield, hoping he won't keep going. By this point everyone has filtered out of the house and onto the porch, watching everything unfold. Alex runs up and grabs my waist to pull me off of the road. I manage to get his hands off of me before we're out of the way of the car and I look at him in disbelief.

"You're just going to let him go?" I ask him, hoping that my assumptions are wrong.

He shrugs and I immediately know I'm right. "He's not going to run us over but he's not going to get out of the car," he says, putting his hands on my shoulders.

I look behind him to see Emily huddled into Mitch with tears streaming down their faces and I realize that this is what it was like when he left them. I sigh and look up to Luke who has his hands gripping the steering wheel as he head rests against them. I then look over to Reggie who's talking to Luke, maybe consoling him, maybe telling him to get out, either way it isn't working because when Luke looks up at me he has tears running down his face and he's shaking.

"Jules, come on, let's go back inside," he says, grabbing my wrist but I shake out of it. He sighs and then wraps his arms around my stomach from behind and carries me onto the porch. "You keep her here, okay? Don't let her come after us okay?" He asks my dad as he nods in response making me scream at him in response, not believing he would agree to this. Alex then walks to Ava and Alexis who unfortunately had to witness this. Alexis is crying so Alex gives her a little kiss on the head before hugging Ava. "I'll be back, alright?" He says to Alexis who just cries in response. "I'll see you soon," he says to Ava before moving over to Emily and Mitch. He gives them both a hug and whispers something in their ears and they nod before he walks over to my dad and I again. When he's in my reach I slap him across the face which makes him pause before asking my dad for the keys. My dad hands over the keys before Alex hops in Dads car and drives away, following Luke.

I was right, everything's going wrong.

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