I Thought You Left

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Avery's pov

I look at her with a dumbfounded expression before turning and leaving. I walk through the hallways for a while before I see Alex, Reggie, and Flynn standing in the lobby still, watching people talk. I start to run to them but almost trip on my dress so I slow down to a fast walk.

When I reach them, I put my hand on Alex's shoulder and catch my breath. "You literally just walked from the end of the hallway, how are you out of breath?" He asks, laughing at me.

I flip him off. "I need your help," I say as I stand up straight before I notice the people they're watching are setting up some sort of equipment. "Wait, who are they?" I ask, noticing that I haven't seen these people before.

"They introduced themselves as Sam and Colby and it looks like they're trying to get us to talk to them," Reggie says, his arm now wrapped around Flynn's shoulders as she leans into him, her arms still crossed but her eyes are closed.

"I still don't get how they can't see us," Flynn says, lifting her head up off of Reggie's shoulder and opening her eyes.

I fall onto the cough right behind us and rest my head against the back cushion. "Once you're in the club and you have permission to be here from Caleb, you can't be seen by people that don't have permission," I say, shrugging as I watch as Sam and Colby walk over to the couch as I sit up straight.

The blonde one bends down and places a small box beside me and immediately starts flashing from green to red, making them jump up and down as I move away from it to stand beside Alex. The flashing stops and the blonde one picks the device up and starts moving it back and forth over the couch.

"You scared her," one of their friends says softly as they both look at her.

I look up at Alex and notice he looks just as confused as I feel. 

"There's someone here?" Blondie says, turning toward the camera and the woman beside the camera man.

"There's, like, three apparitions standing behind you, Sam," she says as the blonde one, now known as Sam, turns around before waving the device in front of him, the device shining to red when I touch it.

"Oh my God!" Sam yells, turning back toward the camera.

I look over to their friend who is staring at me softly but watching every move we make.

"Why did she say there's only three of us? There's four," Flynn says, looking at us.

"Maybe she can't see you," Alex says, sounding confused.

"Yeah, but that wouldn't explain why she can see us," I say, turning my head to look back at him before looking back at them.

"They're talking to someone else," the woman says, squinting her eyes in confusion. "It's not a ghost though."

"Gimmie the EMF," the person behind the camera says, who must be Colby if Sam is the blonde one.

Sam grabs the camera from Colby as he grabs the device, now known as the EMF. I tilt my head and notice he looks similar to Luke so I lean forward before Colby sticks his hand with the EMF in it through me which makes me move out of the way. 

"Did you see that?" Colby asks, turning to Sam and then to the woman who we still have no idea what her name is, both of which nod. "Dude, I got chills."

"This is weird," Reggie whispers, almost scared that they're going to hear us.

"Yeah. I don't like it," Alex says as I feel him stiffing behind me before he puts a hand on my arm.

"Do any of you want to talk to us?" Colby asks as I look between Alex and Reggie as the nod and shrug.

I put my arm out and touch the device in his hand slightly, making it go to yellow instead of red this time. They both freak out as the woman smiles. "Should we do the Estes method now?" Sam asks from behind the camera. "Wait, Amanda, are they... good?" Sam asks, turning toward the woman.

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