Come To The Club

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Julie's pov

Day one hundred twenty-six without Avery and day three without the boys. I don't know when they're going to come back or if they ever are. Dad has been keeping tabs on me all the time, making me keep my door open when I'm in it, telling him where I'm going before I leave, having Flynn update him on what we're doing. It's annoying really but I understand why. He doesn't want me leaving like they did.

"Good morning," Flynn sings, strutting into my room.

I pull a sweater over my bra before sitting on my bed and putting a pillow in my lap. "Hey," I say as she walks over and sits in front of me.

"You ready?" She asks, referring to my first day back at school since the boys disappeared.

"No. But I have to go whether I want to or not," I say with a sigh. "They were supposed to come with me today. That was the plan."

She puts her hand on my leg and rubs her thumb back and forth. "I know, honey," she says, smiling sadly at me. "But, we got a music program to run, come on," she says, grabbing my hands and pulling me downstairs.

"Going to school?" My dad asks from the kitchen, sipping his coffee.

"Yep," I say, smiling tightly.

"Come back right after, okay, mija?"

"I know, Papi, you say that every day," I say, starting to lose my patience with him. I feel Flynn tighten her grip on my hand and I sigh. "I'll be back before dark, how's that?"

"Fine," he says before motioning to the door with his mug. "Now go, you're going to be late for school."

We say goodbye before Flynn gets into her car and I follow suit, before she drives toward the school as we sit in uncomfortable silence. When we get to the school, I see three people standing against a car and it takes a little bit for me to realize it's the boys I've been missing for three days. I open the door of the car and go to run to them but I'm stopped by my seat-belt so I unbuckle it quickly before running to them and jumping into them, trying to get as close as I can to them. When I pull away, I notice Avery isn't here.

"Where's Ave?" I ask, looking at how drained they all look.

"She's still at the club," Reggie responds since Luke and Alex don't.

Confusion rushes over me as I try to understand why they would leave me to get her back and then return without her. And then I realized, they wouldn't, not if something wasn't wrong. The blood drains from my face and I know something's wrong.

"Nothing's wrong," Reggie says quickly, putting a hand on my arm. "She's okay. It's just taking a little longer than we thought to get her out."

"Long story short, Caleb's being a dick again," Luke says, shrugging as his hands rest in his back pocket.

"Okay, but why are you here?" I ask, still confused and ignoring Luke.

Luke looks down at his feet and Reggie looks at Alex. Alex rubs his hands over his face before sighing and looking up at me. "We want you to come to the club with us," he says, sounding like he's doubting himself, which, knowing him, he probably is.

"Oh, hell no!" I hear Flynn yell from behind me before I feel her arms snake around my waist as she holds me close to her.

"Flynn, please," Luke say, looking at her.

"No. Because how am I going to tell her dad I let her run off with three ghosts that just recently came back to life?" She says, stating a very good point which makes me smile.

"Then why don't you come with us?" Reggie suggests, making us all look at him quickly.

"Excuse me?" She says, looking as confused as I do.

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