I'm Sorry

12 1 0

Alex's pov

I stay in the lobby, watching as Willie stares at me from the bar. I feel my mouth go dry and the temperature in the room rise when Willie smiles. I exhale quickly and clench my jaw before walking over to him, wanting to talk to him for the first time since before we played the Orpheum.

I walk over to the bar and sit on one of the stools. He walks over to me and leans on the bar, his arms crossed in front of him.

"What'll it be?" He asks, smiling at me as I smile back.

"Just water," I say, my smile faltering when I realize he's trying to move on from what happened months ago. He walks to the other end of the bar and fills a glass with tap water before putting it in front of me. "Thanks," I say, taking a sip, hoping that it'll help my throat feel not as dry. He stands across from me, watching me, not doing anything else. "We need to talk," I croak out.

He sighs as he dips his head, looking at his feet. "I kinda figured," he says before looking back up at me and sitting on the counter at the back of the bar.

"It wasn't okay, Willie, what you did," I say, looking down at my glass. "And I know, I know I say that I forgive you. I've been telling myself for months that I forgive you and that none of this was your fault," I say, hearing him sniffle but still not looking up at him. "But I realized, I've been lying to myself. It is your fault, all of it," I say, looking up at him and freezing when I see a small knife in his hands.

"Trust me, I know it's my fault," he says, looking up before he notices the fear in his eyes and frowns. "You think I'd hurt you?" He asks sadly, hopping off of the counter and putting the knife away. "I'm the only one in this place that's trying to protect you."

"I know, Ave told me," I say, relaxing a little bit but not enough to feel comfortable. "Why did you do it?" I say, narrowing my eyes in confusion.

"Do what?" He says, tilting his head and furrowing his eyebrows.

"Lie to Ave. You told her nothing was wrong with Cam," I say, shrugging, confused as to why he doesn't get what I'm talking about.

"I didn't say that. In fact, I didn't say anything, we barely talked about Cam when it was just Ave and I," he explained.

"That's just as bad, Willie!" I say, raising my voice.

"But she was happy," he says, quietly, almost whispering. "Isn't that what you want?"

I nod in response. "I just wish she was happy when she was back home," I say, rubbing my hands up and down my glass, the condensation coating my hands.

"She was, and I know you know that," he says before he sighs and puts his hand on mine but I move mine away quickly. "You can't stay mad at me forever, Alex," he sighs, putting his hands in his back pockets.

"Why can't I?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him again.

"Because I'm sorry!" He says, shrugging with his hands still in his pockets.

"Sorry doesn't fix everything! Sorry doesn't make me magically forgive you. Sorry doesn't fix the fact that you broke my heart!" I say, yelling at him as he just stares at me. "You broke me, Willie, and that fucking hurts." I wait a moment to give him a chance to say something but he doesn't. "Will you just say something please?" I ask as I notice his eyes flicker down at my lips before back up to my eyes. "What?" I ask, confused as to why he isn't say anything.

"Do you ever shut up?" He asks with a smile before he leans forward and kisses me.

It takes a moment for my brain to realize that I'm having my first kiss, but when it does, I put my hands on his cheeks and kiss him back. When he feels me kiss back, he grabs my collar and pulls me in closer, making me groan.

"This is a terrible idea," I mumble when we pause to take a breath.

"Very," he says with his stupid little smile with his stupid little dimples on either side before I kiss him again.

A moment later, we stop, both of us out of breath by the time we pull away.

"Come on," he says with a smile as he grabs my hand and drags me upstairs. He stops in front of his door to grab his key and before he has time to open it I grab his face again and kiss him, pushing him against the door.

He smiles against my lips as I feel him reaching for the handle and opening the door before he grabs my waist and pulls me in the room as I close the door with my foot.

My heart beat quickens when he turns me around and pushes me onto the bed, pinning me underneath him.

He straddles my waist and works quickly to unbutton my shirt so I start doing the same to him. We shrug our shirts off at the same time before I reach my hand up and grab his necklace, pulling him lower so close that all I have to do is lift my head slightly before his lips are on mine again.

It's safe to say, neither of us lasted very long. Now, we're laying in bed on our sides, facing each other while I play with Willie's necklace.

"When we find a way to get out, you're coming this us," I say, rubbing his lock shaped necklace between my fingers as I stare into his deep brown eyes.

"Alex," he says with a sigh as he rubs his thumb back and forth on my bare shoulder.

"Promise me," I say, my voice shaking. "Pinkie promise me," I say, letting go of his necklace before moving my hand in front of our faces and putting all my fingers except my pinkie.

He sighs before smiling and interlocking his pinkie with mine. "I promise."

"Good," I say, leaning forward slightly to kiss him before we both fall asleep.

A while later I feel Willie kick me lightly, making me groan and hoping it was just once but when he not only kicks again he also hits me, which he knows I'm not okay with, I groan and sigh. "Willie, what is it?" I ask as I turn over.

When I turn over, I see one of Willie's arms waving at me while the other grabs another person's arm which was grabbing Willie's throat, stopping him from breathing.

I follow the arm with my eyes before I reach the person's face and when I see who it is I hop off of the bed and start trying to pry them off of Willie as tears start to stream down my cheeks.

Willie's eyes follow me the entire time I'm moving.

"Cam, get off!" I scream at her as I grab her shoulder, trying to pull her off of him but it isn't working.

I look back down at Willie and see that he's crying, his eyes never moving away from me. He tries to say something but Cam's eyes darken as she tightens her grip on Willie's throat.

Nothing I'm doing is enough to stop her so I start looking around the room for something heavy before my eyes land on a vase that has Ave's sunflowers we brought for her in. I grab the vase and dump the flowers out before hitting it on Cam's head, making her body go limp.

I pull her off of Willie before I move onto the bed beside Willie, pulling his half limp body into a sitting position against my chest as I cry.

"It's okay, it's gonna be okay," I say repeatedly, hoping he's not too far gone. I keep repeating those six words over and over again in hopes that it might save him but it doesn't take long before he goes completely limp. I sob as I shake him, hoping he's faking it but I realize he isn't, I cry louder and harder than I ever have before.

My sadness slowly turns into anger so I crawl to the other end of the bed and peek over the edge to see if Cam is still down and when I see that she isn't there, everything in me freezes before I realize where she's probably going next so I bolt for the door.

I run down the hall as I cry, my body swerving and hitting almost every other door than the one I need.

When I get to Ave's room I fumble with the door knob for a while before opening it.

"Luke! It's Cam, she-" I start to say quickly but stop when I see Cam doing the exact same thing to Ave that she was just doing to Willie. Except this time, Ave is being held up against a wall with a sharp piece of the newly broken vase pushing against her throat. Luke is trying everything in his power to get her off of Ave.

Luke looks at me, his eyes wide in fear. "Alex, what the hell is going on?!"

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