I'm Not Crazy

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Alex's pov

"Alex, what the hell is going on?" Luke asks, but this time he's laying in bed with Ave sleeping on his chest.

My jaw drops slightly as I look at the wall then back at Luke who's looking at me carefully. I know what I saw, Ave was up against a wall with a shard of glass to her throat but what I'm seeing now is the total opposite of that.

"Alex, dude, you okay?" Luke says, carefully moving Ave off of his chest and walking over to me.

I point to the wall while looking at Ave. The only visible sign of harm I can see is her arm that was bandaged earlier tonight.

"Why don't you go back to bed?" He suggests.

That's when my heart drops. I don't want to go back to that room, I can't, I won't. I can't see Willie like that, never again.

Luke sighs before walking over whispering something to Ave which causes her to wake up. "Is everything okay?"

Luke whispers something back before Ave lays back down and falls back asleep almost instantly. "Come on," Luke says, grabbing my shoulder to try and get me back into Willie's room but I fight against him. "Do you want me to come with you?" He asks as I nod in response. "Okay, let's go," he says and we walk slowly to Willie's room.

When I open the door, Willie isn't on the bed, the broken pieces of the vase isn't on the floor, and the bed is made.

"What were you so scared of?" He asks as I move to the center of the room, confused.

I couldn't have been dreaming. It was too real.

"I'm not crazy," I mumble quietly to myself as I start to fill my fists with my hair.

"Hey, hey, hey, I know you're not," he says, grabbing my hands and slowly taking them out of my hair. "I just don't get what you were so afraid of."

"He was dead. He was right there and he was dead," I blurt out, pointing to the bed, getting upset because I know what I saw but nothing's here to prove it.

"Who was?"

"Willie!" I yell, frustrated because he knew who I was sharing a room with tonight.

"What's up?" I hear a raspy, almost broken voice say making me groan.

"Oh, God," I groan out, covering my ears. Maybe I am crazy. I couldn't have heard his voice because he's gone. But if he's gone why isn't he laying in bed right now, dead.

"I heard my name what's up?" I hear that voice again but this time it's quieter so I uncover my ears and open my eyes.

Okay, I'm definitely crazy because the one person that's supposed to be dead right now is standing in the bathroom doorway.

"You see him too, right?" I whisper to Luke, desperately he sees Willie too because if he does, then Willie's okay.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I see him?" Luke whispers back, making me roll my eyes and groan.

I shake my head before closing and opening my eyes again to see if I'm dreaming. I'm not. He's still there.

Willie walks toward me and once he's in reach, I grab his face, seeing if he's real and when he doesn't disappear tears that weren't in my eyes before, start to fall before I kiss him.

"Oh thank fuck," I say as I pull away and wrap my arms around his shoulder, pulling him into a hug. "I thought you were dead."

"Ow, ow, ow," he says and I let go immediately before seeing the bruises on his neck from where Cam's hands were.

"What happened to you?" Luke asks, staring at the bruises.

"Cam tried to kill him by choking him," I say, never taking my eyes off Willie because I'm afraid if I do, he's going to disappear.

"So where is she now?" He asks, continuing with the questions.

I freeze, remembering that I haven't seen her since I threw that vase on her head. I look around the room, now extremely aware of my surroundings as she could be anywhere.

"You don't think she just left, right?" He asks, not stopping with the questions.

"Definitely not," Willie says, his voice broken and raspy. "She wouldn't just leave, she's onto something."

"Or someone," I say quietly, looking down at my shoes before slowly looking up at Luke.

"We left her alone," Luke says, saying what we're both thinking. He groans before walking over to the door and opening it. "Goddammit!" He yells as he slams the door.

"We should see if she's okay," Willie suggests, looking past me and at the closed door.

"Yeah," I say quietly before grabbing his hand and pulling him through the hall and into Ave's room.

When we walk in, we notice Ave and Luke are sitting in silence facing each other but I know something's wrong. As soon as Willie walks through the door, his hand leaves mine.

"Just die already!" I hear Cam yell, making me turn around and see that Cam is on Willie's back, trying to choke him from behind.

Willie winces as she grabs his bruised throat, making my blood boil. I take a step, getting ready to fight Cam but Ave grabs my hand, stopping me. I look back at her in disbelief before I open my mouth to say something but she stops me.

"Don't. It's only gonna make it worse," she says, staring up at me.

"But-" I start to say but she shoots me a look which makes me shut up.

I look back over to Willie and see that he's trying desperately to pry her hands off of his throat but my attention is turned away from him as I start to hear someone down the hall. Before we have time to see who it is, the door flings over, causing Willie and Cam to fall down face first, Cam landing on Willie's back.

"Can people stop barging into the room please?" Ave asks, yelling out of frustration.

"Sorry," Julie says, peeking her head through the door. "I heard someone yell so I thought I'd come see what it was," she says as she walks through the door, tripping over Cam and Willie. "What the-" she starts to say but Luke moves forward and drags her into the bathroom before closing the door behind them.

Ave moves toward the two of them slowly before crouching down in front of Cam's face and moves some hair out of her face to see if her eyes are closed. Cam groans at the touch but doesn't move.

"Oh, you're fine, relax," she says, rolling her eyes. She follows Cam's arms with her eyes before wincing and shutting her eyes.

"What? What is it? Is he okay?" I ask taking a step forward but she puts her hand out and stops me.

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