The King's return

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Before y'all start asking a bunch of questions, no Bilbo's pregnancy didn't last for the entirety of his journey. He got pregnant right before the battle of the five armies and didn't find out about his pregnancy until after he went back home. It's been a long time since I've even watched the movies, so, I don't know how well this will turn out regarding dialogue and the characters remaining in character

Anyways, enjoy


After returning to the Shire from his journey, a lot of things had changed about Bilbo, for one, he realized that his hobbit hole felt more empty than ever before, the time he spent with the friends he had made of the Dwarves felt far shorter than two years.

Just before the end of his journey, he had found love with Thorin, the king under the mountain.

The dwarf king and the hobbit shared many a passionate filled night leading up to the end of their journey together.

That dreadful day that the only one Bilbo had ever come to love had died in his arms sunk in the longer he observed his far too quiet little home.

The only thing he had left of Thorin was the unborn baby that was nestled within him and Thorin's bloodstained shield, as well as a tiny acorn he kept tucked away close to his chest within his vest pocket.

He had been back home for nine months now, his baby would be due any day.

On most days, he found himself sitting outside enjoying the sunshine and listening to the singing of the birds.

As he sat in the midday sun, his eyes closed and his hand resting upon his rounded belly, a familiar voice snapped him from his blissful state.

"My dear Blibo, so much has changed about you since we last saw each other" came the wise old voice of Gandalf.

Blibo's eyes slowly opened, he smiled when he saw the wizard and hoisted himself to his feet to give him a hug.

Gandalf chuckled softly and hugged the hobbit in return, he then frowned when he felt Bilbo's small frame begin trembling against his chest.

"What's the matter?" he asked softly, gently petting Blibo's curly hair.

"I miss him, Gandalf. My heart aches for him" were the only words Bilbo could say through his soft sobbing.

The wizard smiled sympathetically and hugged the little hobbit just the tiniest bit tighter, being mindful of his pregnant belly.

"That's what I've come to tell you, Bilbo. Thorin is alive. He's been looking for you"

Bilbo's eyes widened upon hearing that. Thorin... He's alive? My love is alive?

Before he had the chance to ask how it was even possible, the tall figure of the dwarven king was seen approaching him, in all his majesty.

When they came a short distance from each other, Bilbo cried in pure happiness, running as quickly as he could towards Thorin and hugging him as tightly as his body would allow.

He sobbed until he was breathless, gripping onto Thorin tightly. "I thought you... You were... I thought... How..." he couldn't even form his thoughts into words with how heavily he was crying.

The dwarf king smiled warmly and hugged his beloved in return, whispering soothing words to him until his crying finally subsided.

After a few minutes, Bilbo slightly pulled away from the hug, tears still raining down his face. "I thought I would never see you again. You... You died in my arms. How are you.... How did...."

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