Chapter four

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Jack's POV
"Ahh, Elsa, Jack. You're both late, since you two are the only ones not chosen, you two will be partners for the rest of the school year."
"WHAT?!?!?" Elsa and I both yell.
Elsa?!?!?! My partner, I mean, it's a good thing, but I feel bad for bullying her and stuff, at least I get high grades.

Elsa looks to be lost in her own thoughts and we just stand there, I go "ahem" at her and she sits down on our desk, I sit beside her as she brings her stuff out.
I don't feel like talking at all. Instead I keep quiet, my body still hurts from last week's training.
Our teacher gives us our worksheets. While answering them, I couldn't help but notice how Elsa cringes her right arm, it's broken. It's the same arm I broke. Now I feel bad, I look at her face, she looks so concentrated.

To be honest if you stare at her face closer, she's kinda pretty. No scratch that, she is strikingly beautiful, especially how her blue eyes sparkle...wait, what. I'm more into blondes, but I prefer platinum blondes, Elsa's hair's why I like Punzie.

She lets out a sigh as a strand of her hair falls on her face, I was resisting the urge to tuck that strand behind her ear, so I distract myself and go back answering my worksheet.

Suddenly, Elsa goes "Ahem"...I guess she's trying to start a conversation. "So...quiet...this isn't like you..."she tells me.
I didn't really wanna talk, I resist the urge to tell her to go to the nurse because he arm looks really injured.

You guys might be wondering why I'm suddenly so concerned for Elsa, well, I always have been. But why? You may ask. After all I "hate" her and I live to make her life miserable, wrong.
You see, during the first day of class during the 5th grade, Elsa first came to this hellhole, and I had a huge crush on her and since every girl in this school liked and likes me, I thought she would to, I thought wrong. And. Don't take rejection pretty well. So that's the short reason why.

Then, I see her looking at my wrist, I immediately pull my sleeve to cover my scars, now that's a story for next time.
So you guys now know why is so mean to Elsa! Ooh!
Thanks for reading and stay tuned!
I'll update soon,

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