Not on my watch

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"May I have this dance?"


Jack simply smirked at Elsa, as Slade walked behind Jack, his hands behind his back.

"Elsa, I'd like you to meet my new apprentice, Jack." Slade tells Elsa. Gesturing over the young man. Everything seemed so blurry. Just then, Jack brings out a gun and before he pulled the trigger,

"Nothing personal, Elsa" BANG!

Elsa shot up from her desk, realizing it was just a dream. Elsa rubbed her eyes remembering the past events. They had 10 hours left before the mission. She excused herself with Eyal to go over the assignment, next thing she knew, she was dreaming.

"Elsa, you ok?" Eyal said walking to Elsa's desk.

"Yes, I'm fine." Elsa replies, letting out a sigh.

", let's go over the plan again."


"What exactly must I do?" Jack asked Slade, over the phone.

" I want you to be my surveillance. You will come with me at the convention." Slade says.

"But, you are the most wanted man in America. How exactly are you just gonna waltz in the convention, with 3 thousand people attending the convention, and not get caught by the police?" Jack protested,

"That's exactly what I'm gonna do." Slade says confidently


"You see Jack, I'm getting old, my legacy is dying, I need someone to pass my legacy down to."

"But, you have me already, what more do you need."

"I need, someone, she was a student of mine once, and I need her to complete this team."

", what am I going to do for tonight?"

"You are going to cause a distraction."

"In the mean time, we still don't know what his agenda is, but we will find out," Elsa says, currently at an Interpol meeting. She was wearing a professional attire.

High officials, police men, generals even the US Navy surrounded the room.

While Elsa was in the middle of her speech when a man suddenly whispered something in her ear.

"WHAT?" Elsa asked loudly in disbelieve.

Elsa imedietly excused herself out the room,

"Did you contact the CIA?" Elsa asked the man, walking to the entrance if the building.

"Already did, they're on their way, I also called the police, SWAT, FBI."

"Good. Make sure he won't get out if this building, if he does, make sure he gets out dead." Elsa says coldly.
"I want SWAT surrounding this building now, inform the officials, handcuff him, make sure he WONT escape, not on my watch."

High School Ninja: Double life (Jesla)Where stories live. Discover now